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Date: 11/9/2022
Subject: TASA members newsletter: November 10th
From: TASA

Dear ~~first_name~~,   
If you would like something included on the AGM agenda, or would like to submit an apology, please email the details to TASA Admin by TOMORROW Friday November 11, 2022.
TODAY, three thematic groups are collaborating for our November 10th  TASA Thursdays event (12:30pm - 1:30pm AEDT). Ann Lawless, Zoei Sutton & John McGuire, representatives from the Social Stratification, Sociology and Activism and the Sociology and Animals thematic groups, will come together to discuss  Fickle Futures launch: the 'New' Homelessness. Via Zoom: 
Meeting ID: 883 0032 3837 Passcode: 622328
Our final 2022 TASA Thursdays event will be held next week on November 17th, 12:30pm - 1:30pm AEDT. Fellow member Joshua Thorburn will be presenting on Exploring How Incels Perform Gender. You can register for the event here.
Note, if you missed last week's TASA Thursdays event on conference tips, you will be able to catch up with that recording via next week's newsletter. 
Members' Engaging Sociology


Alphia L Possamai-Inesedy & Peta Cook (2022) The Sociology of Health and Illness: Critical perspectives for 21st century Australia. Pearson.

This book reflects contemporary attitudes and approaches to the sociology of health and illness in 21st century Australia. With authors who are the current and future thought leaders in this space, this text addresses the theoretical and empirical debates in this discipline, giving students a strong grounding in the field as well as understanding its ever-changing nature.
Aimed at undergraduate and graduate students, and taking a conceptual and topical approach, this book covers topics applicable not only to those undertaking social sciences, but also medicine, nursing and midwifery. Read on...
Additional information

Alan Petersen (2022) Emotions Online: Feelings and Affordances of Digital Media. Routledge.

Emotions Online
Digital media have become deeply immersed in our lives, heightening both hopes and fears of their affordances. While the internet, mobile phones, and social media offer their users many options, they also engender concerns about their manipulations and intrusions. Emotions Online explores the visions that shape responses to media and the emotional regimes that govern people’s engagements with them.

This book critically examines evidence on the role of digital media in emotional life. Offering a sociological perspective and using ideas from science and technology studies and media studies. 
Read on...

Journal Articles

Cheng, Jennifer E. 2022. "‘It’s Not a Race, It’s a Religion’: Denial of Anti-Muslim Racism in Online Discourses" Social Sciences 11, no. 10: 467. [OPEN ACCESS]
Katherine Whitworth and Yao-Tai Li. 2022. “Visual Framing: The Use of COVID-19 in the Mobilization of Hong Kong Protest.” The China Quarterly
Indigo Holcombe-James, Jacinthe Flore, and Natalie Ann Hendry. 2022. Digital arts and culture in Australia: Promissory discourses and uncertain realities in pandemic times. Media International Australia, online first 7 November. DOI: 10.1177/1329878X221136922

Book Reviews

Elizabeth Knight (2022) Mapping out the research field of adult education and learning, International Journal of Lifelong Education, 41:4-5, 533-535, DOI: 10.1080/02601370.2022.2116793


Simon Prideaux (2022) (In)Justice International Newsletter 6, October/November 2022.

News and Analysis

For tips from fellow members on getting published in The Conversation (TC), click here. For some members' articles published in TC between 2013 & 2019, click here. To find out what can happen after publishing in TC, click here.


TASA Thursdays
For a full list of our TASA Thursdays events for 2022, as well as the registration links, please visit TASAweb here.
TASA Tea Time
Thanks to Heidi Hetz, our equity & inclusion portfolio leader, the next TASA Tea Time session will be held on in-person during the conference Wednesday November 30th, 10:30am - 11:00am, Arts West building, University of Melbourne, Room 161. All welcome:-)
Healthy Societies 2022: Infrastructures of Care - Foundations and Fractures
Free online event, Wednesday 16 November, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm AEDT
Speakers include fellow members Greg Marston, Barbara Barbosa Neeves, Karen Soldatic, Alan Petersen and Alex Broom
Profound social transformations are reshaping the ways we ‘care’ (or fail to care) for ourselves, each other, our environments and our societies. The very materialities, moralities and infrastructures of contemporary care are being radically reformed and, at times, called into question.
For the full details, and to register, read on...
Cultures of Wellbeing Symposium
A Cultural Sociology Thematic Group Event
10am-3pm, Wednesday, 23 November
Online and in-person, Deakin Downtown, Deakin University
For full details, and to register, read on... 
'Whither Social Theory'
A Social Theory Thematic Group workshop
Speakers: Benjamin Manning, Vanessa Bowden, Rebecca Pearse, Craig Browne, Malcolm Alexander, Bryan Turner, Jack Barbalet Catherine Hastings, & Alonso Casanueva Baptista
Melbourne, Monday 28 November 8:30 am – 5:00 pm AEDT
For the full program, and the abstracts, click here.
For details, and to register, read on...

Conceptualising Youth Mobilities Amidst Social Challenges Workshop
28th November
Hybrid, Deakin Business Centre
Speakers include Catherine Gomes & Valentina Cuzzocrea
For full details, and to register, read on...

Youth November 28 event
Youth and money matters: Precarity, wellbeing and digital media
Sociology of Youth Thematic Group symposium
Keynote - Professor Lisa Adkins, FASS, University of Sydney
Panellists: A/Prof Steven Threadgold, Dr Julia Coffey, Dr Benjamin Hanckel and Dr Natalie Hendry
Monday 28 November 9am-4pm
Bursaries available
For details, and to register, read on...

Remembering Stephen Castles
Part of TASA 2022
Thursday December 1st, 2:30pm - 3:00pm
Hybrid, University of Melbourne and via Zoom. 
This is a free event. 
 Click here to register. 

Socs out west eoy 2022
You're invited to join a picnic to celebrate the holidays! The picnic will be on Thursday 15th December, from 4pm, at the James Mitchell Playground on the South Perth Foreshore. Friends and family are all welcome! Bring a plate to share 😊
TASA Publications

Journal of Sociology

Journal of Sociology - Volume: 58, Number: 2 (June 2022) has been published. You can access the Table of Contents here.
JoS 2024 SI Future/Tense

Health Sociology Review

Yuwinbir – this way! Going beyond meeting points between Indigenous knowledges and health sociology
Health Sociology Review special issue Volume 31, Issue 2 (2022)
Guest edited by Megan Williams and Demelza Marlin. 
All articles are on OPEN ACCESS for 90 days here.
Assistant Professor - Sociology of Religion
University of Toronto Scarborough
Application deadline:
November 28. 
Read on...
Professor in Sociology
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Application deadline:
November 30th. 
Read on...
Assistant Professor (2 posts) in the Department of Sociology
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Application deadline: November 30th. 
Read on...
Assistant Professor in Environmental Sociology/ Sociology of Health
York University
Application deadline: December 2nd. 
Read on...
Research Fellow
The Institute for Ethics and Society, the University Of Notre Dame
Application deadline: November 11. Read on...

Jobs Board

The Jobs Board enables you to view current employment opportunities. As a member, you can post opportunities to the Jobs Board directly from within your membership profile screen.
Current Employment Opportunities
PhD Scholarships
Pandemic parenting: Investigating reproductive, maternal and infant health care during the COVID-19 pandemic
University of Tasmania, with fellow member Jennifer Ayton as supervisor
The positions will remain open until filled. For details, read on... 
Fit for purpose medical professionals - Fit for purpose: Investigating the teaching and learning of social accountability medical humanities informed curricula for Tasmanian medical students
University of Tasmania, with fellow member Jennifer Ayton as supervisor
The positions will remain open until filled. For details, read on... 
Micro-biopolitics and the deep relationality of (self)care: Examining the politics and practices of care for the self and for others
University of Sydney, with supervisor Katherine Kenny
For details, read on...
Drugs, Gender and Sexuality (DruGS) research program
The Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University
For details, read on...
Integrating community and family care for older people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
The University of Queensland
For details, read on...

Scholarships Board

The Scholarships Board enables you to view available scholarships that our members have posted. Like the Jobs Board, as a member, you can post scholarship opportunities directly from within your membership profile screen.
Current Scholarship Opportunities
Other Events, News & Opportunities

Inaugural Congress of HASS shared program

New: Congress of HASS
The Council for Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS)
In addition to the many individual association events, like TASA 2022, that are the heart of the Congress, CHASS is hosting an opening and closing event as well as four professional development events throughout the Congress.
This Opening Ceremony will include a plenary panel with 4 panellists reflecting on the way they have used HASS to make change beyond the academy and beyond academic debates.

The panellists are:
Tony Birch (author)
Liz Allen (Demographer - ANU)
Alec Coles (CEO of Museums WA)
Raewyn Connell (Sociologist at University of Sydney).

The facilitator is Misha Ketchell Editor in Chief at The Conversation.
For full details about the opening ceremony as well as other events, and to register, read on...

Thesis 11 Annual Lecture

Left-Right, or Left Right Out? Knowledge Economies, Social Inequalities, Education and Authoritarian Populism
Professor Susan L. Robertson (Monash University).
Wednesday 30th November, 5:00pm-6:30pm, All welcome, drinks to follow the lecture
For details, and to register, 
read on...

World Convention

Injustice in a World of Uncertainty
International Convention in South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, Mikkeli, Finland
28th-31st March, 2023
Abstract submission deadline: December 1st. Read on...
TASA Gift Memberships
Gift memberships, for any membership category, can now be accessed at anytime via your membership profile screen. If you would like to gift a membership, to someone new or to a current member, please follow the steps below:
STEP 1: Click here and log in

STEP 2: Click on the drop down menu to the right of your name in the purple bar (RH) at the top of the website (see 1st image below)
STEP 3: Click on Profile (see 1st image below)
STEP 4: Click on the Gift Memberships menu item and complete the details, see yellow highlights in 2nd image below. 
Profile Steps 2
Submitting Newsletter Items
We encourage you to support your colleagues by sharing details of your latest publications with them via this newsletter. No publication is too big or too small. Any mention of sociology is of value to our association, and to the discipline, so please do send through details of your latest publication (fully referenced & with a link, where possible) for the next newsletter, to TASA Admin. Usually, the newsletter is disseminated every Thursday morning.
Updating your Member Profile
Personal pronoun preferences can now be added to your profile. There are 9 combination options to choose from. Please let Sally in TASA Admin know if your preference/s is not on the list and we will have them added.
For assistance with updating your Member Profile on TASA web please see the video tutorial: Updating your Member Profile
TASA Documents and Policies
TASA has introduced a policy for Safe and Inclusive events and Sustainable events
You can access details of TASA's current Executive Committee 2021 - 2022, and their respective portfoliosas well as documents and policies, including the ConstitutionValues StatementStatement on Academic FreedomCode of Conduct, Grievance Procedures & TASA History
Accessing Online Materials & Resources
Menu navigation for online content

TASA members have access to over 90 peer-reviewed  Sage Sociology full-text collection online journals encompassing over 63,000 articles. The image on the left shows you where to access those journals, as well as the Sage Research Methods Collection & the Taylor and Francis Full Text Collection, when logged in to TASAweb. If needed, here is a short instructive video on how to access the journals. 

Contact TASA Admin:
Full list of TASA Twitter handles