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Date: 12/6/2023
Subject: TASA members newsletter: December 7th
From: TASA

Dear ~~first_name~~,
We'd like to take this opportunity to extend our heartfelt thanks to TASA's Vice-President, Kim Humphrey. Kim, with the support of Penny and Sally, organised last week's successful Colloquium.
We've started to upload some photos & video recordings from the event.
More will be added soon. 
We extend our very warm congratulations to fellow member Karen Soldatic who has been appointed the Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC) in Health Equity and Community Wellbeing. We wish Karen the very best in her exciting new role. You can read about Karen's appointment here. 
TASA Bookclub
Save the date!
TASA Tea Time has evolved and will now be a Book Club. Our very first TASA Book Club shall be taking place online on Thursday February 29th, 2024 at 6pm (AEDT).  We are happy to invite you to join us, and welcome book nominations that you believe fellow TASA members would enjoy exploring. We shall focus upon works that have some form of societal reflective element that could be a work of fiction, non-fiction, or something in between. Please send your suggestions to Aisling Bailey, our Equity & Inclusion Portfolio Leader, and we will announce the first book to be discussed in a January newsletter. We look forward to seeing you on February 29th.
TASA Media Voices
Incase you missed it, thanks to convener Ricki Spencer, TASA Media Voices recently held a panel discussion titled: Reflections on the Referendum: Where to from here?

Within this session, guest discussants Professor Barry Judd and Professor Andrew Gunstone provided their insights and deep reflections on the outcomes of Australia's recent Voice referendum and answered the burning question: Where to from here?
TASA 2023 Colloquium Recordings
Thank you to everyone who supported this year's TASA 2023 Colloquium at the University of Sydney. 
For those of you who would like to catch up or re-watch some of the great presentations delivered throughout the event, you can now access some of the recordings via our TASA 2023 Website.
Please note: Not all sessions were recorded.
TASA Thursdays
Just get offline
If you missed our last TASA Thursdays event for 2023, Just Get Offline: Girls’ and Young Women’s Experiences of Online Gender- Based Violence in Australia, you can catch up with the recording here.

New Books

Ben Spies-Butcher (2023) Politics, Inequality and the Australian Welfare State After Liberalisation, Anthem Press.

Politics, Inequality and the Australian Welfare State after Liberalisation
Neoliberalism has transformed work, welfare and democracy. However, its impacts, and its future, are more complex than we often imagine. Alongside growing inequality, social spending has been rising. Politics, Inequality and the Australian Welfare State After Liberalisation asks how we understand this contradictory politics and what opportunities exist to create a more equal society. It argues an older welfare state politics, driven by the power of industrial labour, is giving way to political contests led by workers within the welfare state itself. Advancing more equal social policy, though, requires new forms of statecraft, or ways of doing policy, as well as new models of organising.

Drawing on examples of social policy change since the 1980s, the book explores how seemingly similar reforms reflect distinct political dynamics and facilitate different social outcomes. Read on...

News & Analysis 

Michelle Peterie & Amy Nethery (2023) What is the government’s preventative detention bill? Here’s how the laws will work and what they meThe Conversation, December 6th
Indigo Willing (2023) At HOTA, sneakers find their well-deserved place in art galleries at last. The Conversation, December 5th

Health Sociology Review

This Health Sociology Review special issue puts sociology in conversation with burgeoning palliative care scholarship addressing questions of wellbeing. Biomedical approaches continue to dominate approaches to care and caregiving within palliative and end-of-life contexts. Although palliative care is broadly acknowledged to call for human-centred forms of practice and care, relationality and social aspects are often lowlighted with conversations dominated by questions of its modelling, measuring, and funding. This special issue poses sociological challenges and alternative approaches to practice in public health systems.
Abstract submission deadline: 13th February. Read on...
TASA Awards
Stephen Crook Memorial Prize was established to honour the memory of Professor Stephen Crook in recognition of his significant contribution to Australian sociology. The Prize is awarded biennially, at TASA's Conference, to the best authored monograph within the discipline of Sociology published in the previous two years.
Nomination deadline: March 3rd, 2024. Read on...
Raewyn Connell Prize is to honour the work of Professor Raewyn Connell in recognition of her outstanding contribution to Australian Sociology. In particular, it honours her contribution to sociological theory and research, and her support and encouragement of sociologists at the beginning of their careers.
Nomination deadline: March 3rd, 2024. Read on...
Honours/Masters Student Award is given annually to the best Honours/Masters student in Sociology in each Australian university. Each winner receives a one-year student membership to TASA, making the student eligible for conference discounts, membership of Thematic Groups, the weekly members’ newsletter, online access to sociology journals (full text) and self-promotion opportunities in Nexus. For the full details, and to nominate your top Honours/Masters student in Sociology, read on... 
New: Principal Analyst, Gender Responsive Budgeting (VPSG6)
Department of Treasury and Finance
2-year fixed term
Application deadline: December 17th. Read on...
New: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, International Politics and Policy
James Cook University
Full Time - Continuing
The position will only remain open until filled.
For details, read on...
New: Lecturer, Anthropology
James Cook University
Full Time - Continuing
The position will only remain open until filled.
For details, read on...
New: Postdoctoral Research Fellow or Research Fellow in Sociology
University of Sydney
Application deadline: 1st February, 2024. Read on...
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in epidemiology/quantitative social science/demography
University of Sydney
Full time, Camperdown campus
Please note that the University shutdown period is from Friday 22nd December 2023 to Monday 8th January 2024. Applications and queries will be reviewed once they return from leave. Read on...

Jobs Board

The Jobs Board enables you to view current employment opportunities. As a member, you can post opportunities to the Jobs Board directly from within your membership profile screen.
Current Employment Opportunities
PhD Scholarships
Rainbow Families PhD Top-Up Scholarship
University of New South Wales
Researching the experiences and needs of LGBTQ+ parents and their children, and developing skills in collaborative community-led research
For details, please contact fellow member Christy Newman

Scholarships Board

The Scholarships Board enables you to view available scholarships that our members have posted. Like the Jobs Board, as a member, you can post scholarship opportunities directly from within your membership profile screen.
Current Scholarship Opportunities
In case you are not aware, you can add job and scholarship opportunities to our publicly searchable Jobs & Scholarships Board via your TASA membership profile, see image below: 
Jobs and Scholarships Board
Other Events, News & Opportunities
TASA Gift Memberships
Gift memberships, for any membership category, can now be accessed at anytime via your membership profile screen. If you would like to gift a membership, to someone new or to a current member, please follow the steps below:
STEP 1: Click here and log in

STEP 2: Click on the drop down menu to the right of your name in the purple bar (RH) at the top of the website (see 1st image below)
STEP 3: Click on Profile (see 1st image below)
STEP 4: Click on the Gift Memberships menu item and complete the details, see yellow highlights in 2nd image below. 
Profile Steps 2
Submitting Newsletter Items
We encourage you to support your colleagues by sharing details of your latest publications with them via this newsletter. No publication is too big or too small. Any mention of sociology is of value to our association, and to the discipline, so please do send through details of your latest publication (fully referenced & with a link, where possible) for the next newsletter, to TASA Admin. Usually, the newsletter is disseminated every Thursday morning.
Updating your Member Profile
Personal pronoun preferences can be added to your profile. There are 9 combination options to choose from. Please let Sally in TASA Admin know if your preference/s is not on the list and we will have them added.
For assistance with updating your Member Profile on TASA web please see the video tutorial: Updating your Member Profile
TASA Documents and Policies
In case you are not aware, you can access details of TASA's current Executive Committee 2023 - 2024, and their respective portfoliosas well as documents and policies, including the ConstitutionValues StatementStatement on Academic FreedomCode of Conduct, Grievance Procedures Safe & Inclusive EventsSustainable Events and TASA History
Accessing Online Materials & Resources
Menu navigation for online content

TASA members have access to over 90 peer-reviewed  Sage Sociology full-text collection online journals encompassing over 63,000 articles. The image on the left shows you where to access those journals, as well as the Sage Research Methods Collection & the Taylor and Francis Full Text Collection, when logged in to TASAweb. If needed, here is a short instructive video on how to access the journals. 

TASA Admin (Sally):
TASA Events (Penny):