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Date: 10/27/2021
Subject: TASA Members' Newsletter October 28
From: TASA

Dear ~~first_name~~,  
As mentioned last week, during TASA Thematic Week (TTW) (November 22nd - 26th), we will be participating in and listening to sociological presentations delivered from across different nations in Australia. To mark this, TTW organiser Peta Cook would like to invite your participation in an Acknowledgement of Country video. To be part of this great initiative, we ask that you record a short video of yourself saying the following:

“My name is _________________. [short pause] I am joining from the unceded lands of the _________ people”

Please email the recording to Peta along with the text version of your video speech for captioning purposes. Any issue, please email Sally in TASA Admin
And in case you missed last week's TASA Thursdays event with Alex Broom speaking about 'Planet of the Microbes: Blowback Blues and Ecological (di)Stress', we are happy to report that, thanks to Digital Publications Editor Roger Wilkinson, you can catch up with the recording here. In close connection, Alex was our guest speaker at a TASA hosted Public Lecture held at the State Library of NSW on the 17th of September, 2014. Alex's talk was titled, 'Apocalypse now? The global antibiotic crisis'. You can catch up with that recording here. 
For more lunch time sociology, TODAY week have Tim Graham, Queensland University of Technology, speaking on Social media and misinformation for TASA Thursdays - October 28th, 12:30pm AEDT via Zoom: Meeting ID: 820 3647 1022. Passcode: 685336. We look forward to seeing you there. 
Looking for Volunteer Mentors for Postgrad Day Event
As part of TASA Thematic Week and the Postgrad Day on the Monday 22nd November (note, last week's email incorrectly listed the 23rd), the ‘Postgrad Mentoring Session’ is running between 2:30-4:00pm (AEDT). We are looking for ECRs, mid-, and senior-career TASA members to volunteer to share tips and insights about navigating a career as a sociologist with small groups for this mentoring session. Each mentor will be paired with a small group of postgrads via a Zoom breakout room. If you would like to volunteer as a mentor, please contact Sally in TASA Admin by Friday November 12th.
Software solutions for Sociologists
If you know of any open source, free or cheap software solutions that sociologists could use, please email the details to Roger Wilkinson, our Digital Publications Editor. Note, last week's email address for Roger was missing the .au at the end. You can email Roger at

Save the Dates - TASA Thursdays

On next Thursday

TASA Thursdays Postgraduate & Early Career Researcher session: What is a sociologist anyway? hosted by Laura Simpson Reeves and Jane (Defeng) Jin on behalf of the Postgraduate Sub-Committee, with panellists Dr Zoe Staines (UQ), Dr Rebekah Ramsay (The World Bank) and Dr Andrew Clarke (UQ) – Thursday 4 November, 12:30pm - 1:30pm AEDT, via Zoom. Meeting ID: 869 4655 9001, Passcode: 784151  
About the event: Sociologists are not restricted to the world of academia. They work across government, nonprofits and other industries. Similarly, sociology departments across universities are filled with individuals whose academic background spans other fields such as health, economics and political science. Or vice versa, people with sociological backgrounds who find themselves working in non-sociology departments. So in this increasingly diverse world of sociology, we ask, ‘What is a sociologist anyway?’ This panel will bring together individuals whose work involves sociology but may or may not identify as just sociologists.

Emeritus Professor Andrew Jakubowicz, and Catherine Hastings, will be speaking on 'A transition to a sociologist in private practice'[working title]for TASA Thursdays on November 18th via Zoom: ID: 832 7503 8428
Passcode: 727721.

Dr Lizzie Knight, Victoria University, and Emma Colvin, Charles Sturt University, will be speaking on 'Assumed parenting roles and the systemic gaps in education and justice systems' for TASA Thursdays on December 9th via Zoom: 
Members' Engaging Sociology

Journal Articles

Leah Williams Veazey, Alex Broom, Katherine Kenny, Chris Degeling, Suyin Hor, Jennifer Broom, Mary Wyer, Penelope Burns, Gwendolyn L. Gilbert (2021) Entanglements of affect, space, and evidence in pandemic healthcare: An analysis of Australian healthcare workers’ experiences of COVID-19, Health & Place,
Mallon A. Compassionate community structure and function: a standardised micro-model for end-of-life doulas and community members supporting those who wish to die at home. Palliative Care and Social Practice. January 2021. doi: [OPEN ACCESS]
Rose Butler (2021) Moral childhoods: the role of morality in friendship-making among children from refugee backgrounds in rural, multicultural settler Australia, Children's Geographies, DOI: 10.1080/14733285.2021.1988513

Informed News & Analysis

Peter Hurley, Jora Broerse & Maximilian de Courten (2021) 40% of Australia’s unvaccinated population will soon be kids under 5. Childcare will be the next COVID frontlineThe Conversation, October 28th. 
Jora Broerse, Cameron Van der Smee & Jaimie-Lee Maple (2021) Missing out on PE during lockdowns means students will be playing catch-upThe Conversation, October 27th. 
Naama Carlin, Amanda Laugesen & Benjamin T. Jones (2021) Mateship might sound blokey, but our research shows women value it more highly than men. The Conversation, October 22nd. 


Clare Southerton (2021) Vitalities Lab Spring 2021 Newsletter. Vitalities Lab, October 25 




Roger Patulny (2021) Lockdown Mental Health. The Project, October 31.  
TASA November


TASA Thematic Week

Some events are listed below. We will be announcing more soon!

Acknowledgement of Country

During TASA Thematic Week, we will be participating in and listening to sociological presentations delivered from across different nations in Australia. To mark this, I would like to invite your participation in an Acknowledgement of Country.

To be part of this is very simple. I ask you to record a short video of yourself saying the following:

“My name is _________________. [short pause] I am joining from the unceded lands of the _________ people”

You can email the recording to me at When you email through this recording, please also provide in the body of your email the completed version of the above text for captioning purposes. If you are unable to email your recording and text for captioning, you can share them with me via Dropbox instead.

Note that you do not need to be part of TASA Thematic Week to be involved in the Acknowledgement of Country.

Your video and accompanying text for captioning (as per above) are due to me by TOMORROW Friday 29 October, 5pm. Again, my email address is

I appreciate your involvement and I look forward to receiving your video.


Peta Cook
TASA Vice-President
Chair – TASA Thematic Week

Professoriate Meeting

New: Alphia Possamai-Inesedy, TASA President, will facilitate a discussion on initiatives about the National Priorities and Industry Linkage Fund (NPILF) and the Job-ready Graduates Package (JKR).
Monday, November 22nd, 1:00pm - 2:00pm AEDT.

Presidential Address

New: Alphia-Possamai-Inesedy, TASA President,  will give the presidential address.
 Tuesday November 23rd, 2:00pm - 2:30pm AEDT

Award Ceremony

New: 2021 Award ceremony
Tuesday November 23rd, 2:30pm - 3:00pm AEDT
Chair: Alphia Possamai-Inesedy

Jean Martin Award
Presenter: Xiaoying Qi

Journal of Sociology Best Paper Award
Presenter: Helen Forbes-Mewitt

Health Sociology Review Best Paper Award
Presenters: Karen Willis and Sarah MacLean

Early Career Researcher Award
Presenter: Peta Cook

Postgraduate Impact and Engagement Award
Presenter: Anthony K J Smith

Annual General Meeting

Chair: Alphia Possamai-Inesedy
Tuesday November 23rd, 3:00pm - 4:00pm AEDT

Speed Meeting & Networking Session

New: This speed meeting and networking session will enable you to connect with other sociologists. Each participant will be paired with another attendee and the pair combinations will be automatically switched every 10 minutes.
Tuesday November 23rd, 12:00pm - 1:00pm AEDT

Postgraduate Sessions

For TASA Thematic Week, there will be an afternoon of activities, Monday November 22nd, specifically for postgraduates (inclusive of honours, masters, and PhD, including those who have recently submitted). Following a short update from the Postgraduate Portfolio Leader, we have a workshop from Inger Mewburn (The ‘thesis whisperer’) exploring future career prospects inside and outside academia. Following a short break we will then meet for a ‘Postgrad Mentoring’ activity. 
If you have registered, or intend to register, for TASA Thematic Week, then you will get automatic access to all postgraduate sessions. If you are unable to register for TASA Thematic Week but you would like to attend the postgraduate sessions, please register, gratis, via the links below: 


Sociology at the intersections
Keynote: Christy Newman (UNSW, Sydney)

Chair: Kay Cook (Swinburne)
Wednesday November 24th, 11am - 12pm AEDT

Research work demands self-classification. Across fields of research, areas of expertise, and even the thematic groups in the Australian Sociological Association (TASA), we code and categorise our interests as a necessary condition for participating in contemporary research industries and cultures. But as with every form of classification, these systems are not designed to capture the diversity and dynamism of research practice. In this keynote presentation, I will explore insights gained from working at the intersections of sociology and public health – and across their thematic interests in health, gender and sexuality, and families and relationships – over two decades at the UNSW Centre for Social Research in Health. Originally founded as the National Centre in HIV Social Research, I learned from those who led the frontline response to HIV/AIDS about the significance of building meaningful collaborations with affected communities, policymakers, and clinicians, and across social and health disciplines. While sociology at the intersections may be more difficult to categorise, it provides a model of inclusive research practice based in trust, humility and respect for difference which is ideal for responding to both enduring and emerging social issues.
Talking values: institutions, nations, the globe 
Keynote: Farida Fozdar (University of Western Australia)
Chair: Roger Patulny (University of Wollongong)
Friday November 26th, 11am - 12pm AEDT
While debates about the desirability, and possibility, of a ‘value-free’ sociology continue, values are increasingly recruited discursively by institutions and nations as part of their identity work. This paper explores the ways in which values-talk works, considering a number of concrete examples including the institutional values of Rio Tinto, Wesfarmers, and the author’s own university, University of Western Australia (which is about to remove its Anthropology and Sociology degree and all its staff), and the national ‘Australian values’ as espoused by politicians and in debates around the Values Statement signed by migrants. The focus is on the rhetorical work the language of values does and the ways in which it constructs positive identity rather than forming the basis for the behaviour of those associated with the institution or nation. It is literally ‘virtues signalling’, where the signalling is the whole point of the exercise. The paper considers how/whether values talk is part of the Civilizing Process, and how it might relate to talk of cosmopolitan values. 


Gary Bouma's Legacy to Sociology
Jim Spickard (University of Redlands): Gary’s Global Contribution to Sociology of Religion and International Societies
Lori Beaman (University of Ottawa): Gary’s Contribution to the Religion and Diversity Project
Adam Possamai (Western Sydney University): Gary Bouma and the Australian Soul.
Andrew Singleton and Anna Halafoff: Mentorship and Recent Scholarly Reflections (both Deakin University)
Chairs: Alphia Possamai-Inesedy (Western Sydney University) and Enqi Weng (Deakin University)
Wednesday November 24th, 9:10am - 10:30am AEDT.
We invite you to join us to celebrate the life and scholarly achievements of Emeritus Professor Gary Bouma through a series of international and local presentations. There will be a time for reflection and response at the end of the presentations. This is a free session and we welcome you to join us. If you have registered for TASA Thematic Week (TTW), or intend to, you don't need to register for this event separately. However, if you are unable to attend TTW but would like to be present for this event, please register via the button below:


Working beyond academia in and outside of universities
Professor Vaughan Higgins (University of Tasmania)
Associate Profess Karen Soldatic (Western Sydney University)
Dr Joseph Borlagdan (Brotherhood of St Laurence)
Dr Katherine Carroll (ANU) 
Ricki Spencer (University of Melbourne)
Chair: Peta Cook
Thursday November 25th, 9:00am - 10:30am AEDT
As the study of human society, sociology offers critical insights into social structures, mechanisms, and relationships. Nevertheless, it can be challenging to translate sociology into evaluation strategies and practical outcomes for governments, industry, businesses, and community groups. In this plenary, sociologists experienced working inside and outside of university settings and with divergent actors (government, industry, business, community), will explore their research and how they have translated and applied sociology. This will include consideration for some of the tensions and challenges they have faced in this process.

Brainstorming Session for Mid-Career Sociologists

New: Facilitator: Nick Osbaldiston (James Cook University)
Wednesday November 24th, 2:30pm - 3:30pm AEDT
The purpose of this session is to check in with the needs of Mid-Career Sociologists and to discuss suggestions and ideas that may assist this cohort. 

TASA Tea Time

Facilitators: Heidi Hetz (University of South Australia) and Anthony K J Smith (UNSW, Sydney)
Wednesday November 24th, 2:30pm - 3:30pm AEDT
For many of us, the last 18 months have been defined by periods of isolation and disconnection in our personal and professional lives. TASA Teatime is an opportunity for students, early career researchers, independent researchers and for those who are precariously employed to (re-)connect with other sociologists. Join with a drink and snack of your choice, and chat to others with a shared interest in sociology.

‘Messy Life, Messy PhD, Messy Me’: A practical session to help manage the mess.

New: Facilitators: Laura Simpson Reeves, Yinghua Yu and Claire Moran from the MEM Postgraduate team
Thursday, November 25th 12.30pm-1.30pm AEDT

What does the life of a ‘real’ PhD student look like? Many PhD students and early career researchers today have to navigate a series of expectations, power relations, and challenges from day to day that can often feel overwhelming and all-consuming. Often many students feel pulled in a variety of different directions to upskill, publish, take on new experiences, and finish their PhD in a timely manner - all while also juggling personal responsibilities, home-life and other external factors. The experience of being a PhD student can be messy, complicated and diverse. We want to talk about all that messiness with you in order to bring forward different perspectives and reclaim a more balanced approach to what being a PhD student is all about. So, come with your perspectives, questions, and insights and let’s have this conversation together.

Other TASA November Events

Applied Sociology event
Sociology in the West
University of Western Australia, Room TBC
November 5, 9AM - 5PM AWST

A better body?: Towards a sociology of wellness
University of New South Wales, Sydney
This event has been postponed and will take place in January or February next year. We will update you when more information becomes available. 

Healthy Societies Symposium
The Sydney Centre for Healthy Societies (SCHS) and the School of Social and Political Sciences, The University of Sydney
November 16, 8:30am - 4:30pm (note, time correction)
For more details, and to register, read on... 
Applied Sociology Symposium
Co-design and co-production: Challenges and opportunities for sociologists
Sydney, Online
November 17, 11am start (AEST/Qld time)
Guest Speaker - Jayne Malenfant
For full details, and to register, read on... and see the Flyer 

New lives, new research agendas: Sociology beyond the pandemic
La Trobe University, Melbourne
This event has been postponed and will take place in February next year. We will update you when more information becomes available. 

Art as Resistance: Myanmar Protest Art from the Frontline
University of Sydney
Venue: a Newtown art gallery, a short walk from the University of Sydney.
In-person (recorded)
This event was postponed but may now be held this year. Stay tuned!

Sociology Goes Public
Australian National University, Canberra
Monday November 29
Thematic Groups


The deadline for the Thematic Groups Support Scheme Round 2 is 8 November. This scheme offers up to $2,000 funding for events happening during the first half of next year, from 1 January to 30 June 2022. If you have event ideas, we encourage you to share those with the convener/s of the thematic group/s you are a member of.

Thematic Group Conveners' Annual Meeting

New: This year, the Thematic Group Conveners' Annual Meeting will be held the week before our big yearly event on Wednesday November 17th, 12:00pm - 1:00pm (AEDT) via Zoom: Meeting ID: 881 3354 9390. Passcode: 910377

Individual Thematic Group Annual Meetings

New: some thematic group conveners will be hosting individual group meetings during TASA Thematic Week. More details soon. 

New convener term: Nov 2021 - Nov 2023

The new thematic group convener term is fast approaching (November 2021 - November 2023). If you are interested in convening/co-convening a thematic group, please contact Ramon, the Thematic Group Portfolio Leader, via or Sally in TASA Admin.


Hope and Empathy in Uncertain Times
Online Symposium
Jointly organised by the Sociology of Emotions & Affect and the Health Thematic Groups
Keynote Speakers: fellow members Simone Fullagar and Signe Ravn
The final program is available  here.
The event booklet is available here. 
For full details, and to register, read on... 
TASA Publications

Journal of Sociology

Journal of Sociology - Volume: 57, Number: 4 (December 2021) has been published. You can access the Table of Contents here.

Journal of Sociology - open access articles

In case you missed it, Journal of Sociology's Volume 56 Issue 1, March 2020, Special issue articles  - Asylum Seekers in the Global Context of Xenophobia - are available on open access here.  

Health Sociology Review - Call for Papers: Special Issue

Sociological Aspects of Knowledge Translation
Special Issue: Issue 1, 2023
This special issue focuses on knowledge translation. Knowledge translation is important, timely, and particularly relevant to the sociology of health, illness, and medicine because:
  • The processes through which different knowledges coalesce embody and demonstrate myriad interactions between society and health
  • Knowledge translation requires sociologically informed scholarship that accounts for how social interactions and political processes influence health, illness, and medicine
  • Indigenous people have emphasised that knowledge translation should be grounded in respect for diverse knowledges and that it should operate relationally, rather than uni-directionally. Further, making knowledge translation foundational to research design and communication provides opportunity to demonstrate respect for Indigenous people’s enduring connections to Country, intergenerational responsibilities and knowledge of communities.
Abstract submission deadline: February 28, 2022. Full papers will be due before July 31, 2022. Read on...

Senior Research and Evaluation Advisor, Campaigns
With Our Watch - a national leader of primary prevention of violence against women and their children.
You would be responsible for managing developmental research and ongoing evaluation of a number of exciting campaigns/projects.
For details, read on... 
There are many members of TASA who are looking for work, from sessional teaching through to applied consultancy research. Our 'Looking for Work' registry is to provide a way for our members who are looking for work to connect with people looking to employ sociologists. We also acknowledge many of our members are employed precariously, and we hope this registry might help in building connections and networks towards more stable employment.
Note, if you are looking for work you can list yourself in the 'Looking for Work' registry via your membership profile. Click on the Additional Member Data tab and scroll down to the question 'Are you looking for work?' After selecting 'yes' to that question, your details will appear in our publicly searchable 'Find a Sociologist' directory. Please contact TASA Admin if you need assistance adding your details. 
If you would like to be spotlighted in our newsletter as someone looking for work, please email TASA Admin, and attach a profile image that can be used in the spotlight and include a bio outlining your location, highest qualification, areas of expertise, the type of work you are looking for, and whether you are in a position to relocate etc. 

Jobs Board

The Jobs Board enables you to view current employment opportunities. As a member, you can post opportunities to the Jobs Board directly from within your membership profile screen.
Current Employment Opportunities
PhD Scholarships
Health promotion in post-secondary music education: An institutional ethnography
The University of Western Australia
Applications close: TOMORROW October 29. Read on... 
La Trobe University: The Living with Disability Research Centre
Research Training Program (RTP) PhD Scholarship opportunity for an outstanding candidate to explore a disability related topic in a discipline such as social work, disability studies or any other of the social sciences. 
For more details, visit our Jobs & Scholarships Board. 
PhD scholarship with the Life Patterns research program
University of Melbourne
Current Honours students are encouraged to apply, pending their final results
Nominated co-supervisor: fellow member Jenny Chesters
For details, read on...
Youth living with chronicity in the digital age
Sydney Centre for Health Societies at the School of Social and Political Sciences, Sydney University
Chief investigators are fellow members Alex Broom and Katherine Kenny.
For full details, read on...  
PhD scholarship – Social licence and the development of commercial onshore lobster aquaculture in Australia
University of Tasmania
This PhD project will examine how 'social licence' is relevant and can be gained in the development of a commercial onshore lobster aquaculture industry in Australia.
Project supervisor: fellow member
Vaughan Higgins
Application deadline:
 TOMORROW 29 October. Read on...  

Scholarships Board

The Scholarships Board enables you to view available scholarships that our members have posted. Like the Jobs Board, as a member, you can post scholarship opportunities directly from within your membership profile screen.
Current Scholarship Opportunities
Other Events, News & Opportunities

Online Panel Events

New: Boundless Plains to Share
TODAY October 28, 6:30 PM – 7:45 PM AEDT
Free online event
For details, and to register, read on...

New: Changemakers or Troublemakers?
TOMORROW Friday, 29 October
6:30 PM – 7:45 PM AEDT
Free online event
For details, and to register, read on...

New: National Mosque Open Day
Saturday, 30 October
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM AEDT
Free online event
For details, and to register, read on...


New: Remodelling the Human: Reproductive Models and Feminist Technoscience
Keynote by Prof. Celia Roberts (ANU).
Online, 9 November, 930am - 1230pm AEDT
For details, and to register, read on...

Call for Participants

Researchers at the University of Western Australia and the Telethon Kids Institute are looking for participants in Western Australia to help them learn more about attitudes and access to COVID-19 vaccination, as well as their thoughts on the roll-out and government mandates. Participating in an interview as part of the Coronavax Project will ensure that your voice is heard during the roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccine program. We are especially looking for people who are:
  • Dads of kids under 5
  • Pregnant
  • Childcare workers
  • Teachers
  • Aged care workers
For details and to sign up to participate, click here.


The Australian Death Studies Society (ADSS)
Three Prizes are open for submissions:
  1. Best Student Paper
  2. Dissertation
  3. Creative Work.
The Australian Death Studies Society was founded in 2020 and aims to foster the development of high quality scholarship about dying, death, and body disposal within Australia. The subject matter of death touches all aspects of human experience, and this is reflected in the multidisciplinary nature of our membership. The ADSS welcome submissions for the above 3 prizes from scholars of diverse disciplinary backgrounds.
Application deadline: 1st December.  Please see the website for guidelines and send any enquiries to

Call for Papers - Journal

Research in the Sociology of Work: New editorial team and Call for papers
Research in the Sociology of Work (RSW) publishes research that examines current issues related to the nature of work, the places and spaces of work, and the experiences of workers and examines the forces that shape the context of work. The incoming editorial team of Rick Delbridge (Cardiff), Andi Pekarek (University of Melbourne), Gretchen Purser (Syracuse), and Markus Helfen (FU Berlin) are pleased to announce a call for papers on ‘Ethnographies of work’.
Submission deadline: March 2022. Read on...
Critical Refugee Intersections: Before, During, and After Flight
Editor(s): Niro Kandasamy (University of Sydney, Australia), Lauren Avery (University of York, UK) and Karen Soldatic (Western Sydney University, Australia)
This thematic issue is the result of Social Inclusion’s partnership with research network (In)Justice International,
Abstract submission deadline: December 15. Read on...

Call for Chapter Proposals

Call for Chapter Proposals
Expanded Edition of How Qualitative Data Analysis Happens: Moving Beyond “Themes Emerged”
Proposal submission deadline: December 31. Read on...


Loneliness Beyond Repair?
UNSW Social Policy Research Centre
Online, Tuesday, 9 November, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM AEDT
Fellow member, and Public Sociology Portfolio Leader, Roger Patulny will be discussing the long-term impacts of COVID-19 and the Zoom Revolution on social isolation and loneliness.
For full details, and to register, read on...
Gender/Sexuality/Culture Interdisciplinary Research Seminar Series
‘What had become of me?’: Liminal Whiteness in Early US Male Citizenship Hannah Lauren Murray, University of Liverpool
Hannah Lauren Murray, University of Liverpool
TODAY 28 October, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM AEDT (via zoom)
For the full details, and to register, read on... 
The Disaffection Seminar Series
Seminar 5 - Disaffected: The Cultural Politics of Unfeeling
TODAY 28 October 19:00 AEDT
For details about the seminars, click here.
To register, click here.  

Call for Submissions -Zine

So Fi Zine edition #10
Another call for submissions for So Fi Zine is live! It’s a special milestone: the tenth edition of the zine.
Submission deadline: October 31. Read on...


Rural sustainability in the urban century
XV World Congress of Rural Sociology, 19-22 July 2022, Cairns, Australia
Abstract submission deadline:
November 30. Read on... and see 
flyer for more details. 
Building Equality and Justice Now
The British Sociological Association Virtual Annual Conference 2022
20-22 April
Abstract submission deadline: TOMORROW 29 OctoberRead on...
Work-Family Justice: Practices, Partnerships & Possibilities 
Work and Family Researchers Network
June 23-25, 2022, New York City
Submissions deadline: November 1.  Read on...
Labour Movements in a Post COVID-19 World
The International Sociological Association (ISA)’s Research Committee on Labour Movements (RC44)
Asia-Pacific regional conference
27–29 June 2022
Abstract and Panel Proposals due: 15 November. Read on...
Conflict, Confinement and Immorality
(In)Justice International
Taiwan, 22nd - 25th March, 2022
For details, about (In)Justice International visit 
Abstract submission deadline extended: November 10. Read on...
For a list of the Australian organising committee for the 2023 World Congress, visit:
TASA Gift Memberships
Gift memberships, for any membership category, can now be accessed at anytime via your membership profile screen. If you would like to gift a membership, to someone new or to a current member, please follow the steps below:
STEP 1: Click here and log in

STEP 2: Click on the drop down menu to the right of your name in the purple bar (RH) at the top of the website (see 1st image below)
STEP 3: Click on Profile (see 1st image below)
STEP 4: Click on the Gift Memberships menu item and complete the details, see yellow highlights in 2nd image below. 
Profile Steps 2
Submitting Newsletter Items
We encourage you to support your colleagues by sharing details of your latest publications with them via this newsletter. No publication is too big or too small. Any mention of sociology is of value to our association, and to the discipline, so please do send through details of your latest publication (fully referenced & with a link, where possible) for the next newsletter, to TASA Admin. Usually, the newsletter is disseminated every Thursday morning.
Updating your Member Profile
Personal pronoun preferences can now be added to your profile. There are 9 combination options to choose from. Please let Sally in TASA Admin know if your preference/s is not on the list and we will have them added.
For assistance with updating your Member Profile on TASA web please see the video tutorial: Updating your Member Profile
TASA Documents and Policies
You can access details of TASA's current Executive Committee 2021 - 2022, and their respective portfoliosas well as documents and policies, including the ConstitutionValues StatementStatement on Academic Freedom, Code of Conduct, Grievance Procedures & TASA History
Accessing Online Materials & Resources
Menu navigation for online content

TASA members have access to over 90 peer-reviewed  Sage Sociology full-text collection online journals encompassing over 63,000 articles. The image on the left shows you where to access those journals, as well as the Sage Research Methods Collection & the Taylor and Francis Full Text Collection, when logged in to TASAweb. 

Contact TASA Admin:
Full list of TASA Twitter handles