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Date: 2/2/2022
Subject: TASA members newsletter: February 3rd
From: TASA

Dear ~~first_name~~,
As mentioned previously, Peta Cook, TASA Vice-President, is organising an in-person TASA conference scheduled for November 28th to December 2nd, this year, at the University of Melbourne. We can now confirm that the theme is Social Challenges, Social Change. Abstracts submissions will open on March 28th. Before then, we will be putting a call out for panel submissions. Watch this space!
Our very next event is a postponed TASA November event - The Better Body? Towards a Sociology of Health. Organisers Naomi Smith, Clare Southerton & Marianne Clark were hoping to host an in-person event but, given the continuing COVID issues, have settled with an online event now scheduled for February 17th. To register, read on... 
Our next TASA Thursdays event will be held on February 24th12:30pm - 1:30pm AEDT, with fellow members Grazyna Zadjow & Kerry Power (another two speakers TBC) talking about the Trials and tribulations around the ethics of social media research. Grazyna has had a wealth of experience heading ethics committees and sitting on ethics committees. For their PhD, Kerry conducted a study on art teachers on Twitter over a period of six months and wrote about the process of applying for ethical clearance from their university and Twitter. You can read Kerry's article on ethical issues that are particular to social media and virtual research here and register for the event here.  Zoom details will be emailed to registrants closer to the event. Note, if you have had experience in this area, and would like to be on the panel, please contact Sally in TASA Admin.
TASA Tea Time - new to TASA's event calendar
For many of us, the last two years have been defined by periods of isolation and disconnection in our personal and professional lives. TASA Tea Time is an opportunity for all TASA members to (re-)connect with other sociologists. Join with a beverage and snack of your choice, and chat to others with a shared interest in sociology.
Hosted by Heidi Hetz, our Equity and Inclusion Portfolio Leader, TASA Tea Time will be held once a month, on a different day each time, alternating between morning tea and afternoon tea. The first one for 2022 is TOMORROW Friday February 4 at 11am - 12pm (AEDT Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra), 8am (AWST Perth), 10am (AEST, Brisbane, Cairns).
Join from a PC, Mac, iOS or Android:
Password: 991500

TASA Thursdays


Save the Dates

Panel Discussion: TASA Thursdays February 24th12:30pm - 1:30pm AEDT, with  fellow members Grazyna Zadjow & Kerry Power (another two speakers TBC): Trials and tribulations around the ethics of social media research. You can register for the event here. Zoom details will be emailed to registrants closer to the event. 
Postgraduate TASA Thursdays March 3rd , 12:30pm - 1:30pm AEDT. Topic TBC. 
Presentation: TASA Thursdays March 17, 12:30pm - 1:30pm AEDT, with  fellow member Annette Bromdal & colleague Tait Sanders will present on Navigating Intimate Trans Citizenship while Incarcerated in Australia and the US. The registration link will be available soon. 
Panel Discussion: TASA Thursdays April 2112:30pm - 1:30pm AEST, with fellow members Melissa Belle, Lara McKenzie, Ramon Menendez Domingo & Christian Mauri on the Casual / sessional train - staying/leaving academia. The registration link will be available soon.  

Presentation: TASA Thursdays May 19, 12:30pm - 1:30pm AEST, with fellow member Alan Morris on International students struggling in the private rental sectorThe registration link will be available soon. 
Presentations: TASA Thursdays June 2nd, 12:30pm - 1:30pm AEST, with fellow member Tom Barnes (Chair) & Elizabeth Humphrys, as well as colleagues Alison Pennington & Elizabeth Hill, presenting on The Future of Work. This session will have three 10 minute presentations followed by a Q & A session. You can register for the event here.  Zoom details will be emailed to you closer to the event.  
ISA 2023
Deadlines for our TASA hosted ISA 2023 XX World Congress are now available here. For quick reference, the abstract submission deadline is September 30. 
Stephen Crook Memorial Award
Nominations for the 2022 Stephen Crook Memorial Award are now open. This is a biennial prize for the best authored book in Australian Sociology. The Prize was established to honour the memory of Professor Stephen Crook in recognition of his significant contribution to Australian sociology. The 2022 round will cover books that list 2020 or 2021 in the front matter of the book. 
For full details, and the nomination form, read on...
Nomination deadline: March 1. 
Raewyn Connell Award
A biennial prize for the best first book by an author in Australian Sociology. The Prize is to honour the work of Professor Raewyn Connell in recognition of her outstanding contribution to Australian Sociology. The 2022 round will cover books that list 2020 or 2021 in the front matter of the book.
For full details, and the nomination form, read on...
Nomination deadline: March 1. 
Honours Award: if you are a sociology convener/Honours coordinator, we invite you to nominate your top Honours students in Sociology for 2021. Nominated students receive a complimentary 12 month TASA membership and are listed on TASAweb. Details of the Award, as well as the nomination form, are located here.
2021 Recipients - to date
  • University of Melbourne - Ilana Altas
  • Australian National University - Joshua Walker
  • Deakin University - Bree Allingham-Maclaren
  • James Cook University - Sara Potts
Members' Engaging Sociology

Book Chapters

Melissa Phillips, “Cautionary Tales from the Geographic South: The Impact of Australia’s ‘Worst-Practice’ on International Policy-making towards Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Times of Crisis” in Fouskas, Theodoros (Ed.). Immigrants, Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Times of Crises: B. An International Handbook on Migration (Foreword by Marco Martiniello), European Public Law Series / Bibliothèque de Droit Public Européen, vol. CXXV, European Public Law Organization (EPLO), Athens

Journal Articles

O'Sullivan, B., Couch, D., & Naik, I. (2022). Using Mobile Phone Apps to Deliver Rural General Practitioner Services: Critical Review Using the Walkthrough Method. JMIR Formative Research, 6(1), e30387. [OPEN ACCESS]
Brömdal, A., & Rasmussen, M. L. (2022). ‘Eligibility regulations for the female classification’: somatechnics, women’s bodies, and elite sport. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 1-16.
Newton, G., Zappavigna, M., Drysdale, K., & Newman, C. E. (2022). More than Humor: Memes as Bonding Icons for Belonging in Donor-Conceived People. Social Media + Society. [OPEN ACCESS]
Sawyer A-M, James S, 2022, Upheaval and reinvention in celebrity interviews: Emotional reflexivity and the therapeutic self in late modernity. Thesis Eleven, Online First, doi:10.1177/07255136211069171

Hayley Truskewycz, Murray Drummond & Ruth Jeanes (2021) Negotiating participation: African refugee and migrant women’s experiences of football, Sport in Society, DOI: 10.1080/17430437.2022.2017819
Burns, E. A. (2022) Adult Education ‘Lateness Norms’: Hysteresis in Mid-Career Retraining in Law. Journal of Adult & Continuing Education, 1–19.

Burns, E. A. (2021) Climate Sadness: The Fragile Beauty of Tonlé Sap. Qualitative Inquiry, 1–9.

Manouchehri, B., Burns, E. A., & Rudner, J. (2021) Creating a Child-Friendly Neighborhood: Iranian School-Children Talk about Desirable and Non-Desirable Elements in their Neighborhoods. Children, Youth & Environments, 31(3), 74–97.

Manouchehri, B., & Burns, E. A. (2021) Perception, Concern, Competency: Children’s Understanding of Physical and Non-Physical Aspects of Urban Environment in Iran. Children’s Geographies, 1–17.

News & Analysis


Radio Interviews

Roger Patulny (2022)  Friendship during the pandemic ABC Drive with Richard Glover, January 31. (2:50:30 mark)


Ben Lohmeyer et al. (2022) We have to do better: Raising the Age of Criminal ResponsibilityMaking & Breaking Social Policy, January 31.
Thematic Group Conveners

Returning / Incoming Conveners

This week, we are introducing you to the conveners for the Sociology of Health Thematic Group. The group is the longest running one dating back to a formal beginning in 1967. The group's history is available on our website here.
The current aims of the Sociology of Health Thematic Group are to:
  • support social and sociological research on health and medical issues
  • encourage and facilitate contact among academics and others researching in the field
  • encourage submission of papers to TASA conferences and Health Sociology Review
  • provide an avenue for researchers to have draft papers informally reviewed by members
  • encourage postgraduate interest in the field of the sociology of health
The incoming new conveners are Renae Fomiatti, Adrian Farrugia, Ann Lawless & Linda Marsden.
Renae Fomiatti
Renae is a Research Fellow at the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University. She conducts qualitative research on alcohol and other drug use, health, gender and recovery. Her research is informed by contemporary feminist theory and Science and Technology Studies.
Adrian Farrugia
Adrian is an ARC DECRA Fellow in the Drugs, Gender and Sexuality program at the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society at La Trobe University. His research focuses on the sociology of health initiatives such as take-home naloxone for opioid overdose, hepatitis C treatment and drug education. Adrian has published on young men’s drug consumption and understandings of drug education, gender and drug education, experiences of take-home naloxone and, most recently, young people’s use of online sexual health information.

Ann Lawless is a health activist active in global, national, state and local jurisdictions.
Linda Marsden is a final stages doctoral candidate at Western Sydney University, Institute of Culture and Society. Linda’s research project is interested in young people’s health, wellbeing and digital cultures and employs qualitative and participatory methods. Linda has held several research assistant roles at Western Sydney University, Griffith University and Queensland University of Technology, across a variety of Cultural Studies, Digital Media, Education and Health related projects. Linda holds a Bachelor of Applied Science and is an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. 
TASA Publications

Journal of Sociology

Journal of Sociology - Volume: 58, Number: 1 (March 2022) has been published. You can access the Table of Contents here.
Journal of Sociology - call for guest editors for the 2024 special issue
Each year the editors invite expressions of interest from the international community of sociological scholars to guest edit a special issue of the journal. Special issues may address any sociological theme that is likely to be of interest to the journal’s international readership.
The deadline for expressions of interest for the 2024 special issue is June 20th, 2022. For full details, read on...

Health Sociology Review

Health Sociology Review Call for Papers - Special Issue
Sociological Aspects of Knowledge Translation
Special Issue: Issue 1, 2023
This special issue focuses on knowledge translation. Knowledge translation is important, timely, and particularly relevant to the sociology of health, illness, and medicine because:
  • The processes through which different knowledges coalesce embody and demonstrate myriad interactions between society and health
  • Knowledge translation requires sociologically informed scholarship that accounts for how social interactions and political processes influence health, illness, and medicine
  • Indigenous people have emphasised that knowledge translation should be grounded in respect for diverse knowledges and that it should operate relationally, rather than uni-directionally. Further, making knowledge translation foundational to research design and communication provides opportunity to demonstrate respect for Indigenous people’s enduring connections to Country, intergenerational responsibilities and knowledge of communities.
Abstract submission deadline: February 28, 2022. Full papers will be due before July 31, 2022. Read on...

Primary Health Network
Several jobs available. For details, read on...
The Yoorrook Justice Commission
Several jobs available. For details, read on...
There are many members of TASA who are looking for work, from sessional teaching through to applied consultancy research. Our 'Looking for Work' registry is to provide a way for our members who are looking for work to connect with people looking to employ sociologists. We also acknowledge many of our members are employed precariously, and we hope this registry might help in building connections and networks towards more stable employment.
Note, if you are looking for work you can list yourself in the 'Looking for Work' registry via your membership profile. Click on the Additional Member Data tab and scroll down to the question 'Are you looking for work?' After selecting 'yes' to that question, your details will appear in our publicly searchable 'Find a Sociologist' directory. Please contact TASA Admin if you need assistance adding your details. 
If you would like to be spotlighted in our newsletter as someone looking for work, please email TASA Admin, and attach a profile image that can be used in the spotlight and include a bio outlining your location, highest qualification, areas of expertise, the type of work you are looking for, and whether you are in a position to relocate etc. 

Jobs Board

The Jobs Board enables you to view current employment opportunities. As a member, you can post opportunities to the Jobs Board directly from within your membership profile screen.
Current Employment Opportunities
PhD Scholarships
HDR Scholarship - Student climate justice activism
Deakin University
Project supervisor fellow member Eve Mayes
Applications close: Monday 28th February. Read on...

Scholarships Board

The Scholarships Board enables you to view available scholarships that our members have posted. Like the Jobs Board, as a member, you can post scholarship opportunities directly from within your membership profile screen.
Current Scholarship Opportunities
Other Events, News & Opportunities

Round Table Discussion

Education as a realm of sociological studies
The Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the educational company “Vseosvita” kindly invite social researchers and educators from Australia (as well as from other countries) to take part in a round-table discussion titled “Education as a realm of sociological studies”. The discussion will be held on 12 March 2022. The event will start at 10 a.m. (UTC+2), which is 7:00pm AEDT. The participants can both deliver a presentation via Zoom and publish a short article on this topic in “Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing”, a peer-reviewed quarterly (
Expressions of interest deadline: 10 March.
Anyone interested in participating in this event can write to fellow member Olha Maksymenko (, and they will receive further information about participation.

Call for Journal Editors

Call for a new editor for the International Sociological Association's journal International Sociology
The term of office is three years, with possible renewal. The new editor is expected to take position in April 2022.
Expression of interest deadline:
February 14. Read on...

World Congress

(In)Justice International are holding a hybrid (online, pre-recorded and in-person) World Convention event on March 22-25 2022. They have received 40 presentations already with more on the way. You can access the book of abstracts here. They are now calling for online attendees to participate in the workshops. The call is open to everyone in the spirit of inclusion. It is not purely academic. If you or your colleagues, students, friends etc. are interested, please see their agenda.
If you are an academic, and teach students, you might also be interested in their 'Educational Project'.  To read more about (In)Justice International, you can visit their website. You can also contact fellow member Simon Prideaux.


Critical Perspectives on COVID-19: Engaging the social sciences and humanities
21-22 April 2022
An in-person event being held in Sydney and Melbourne
All presentations should involve a strong focus on the social, cultural, spatial, historical or political dimensions of COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2.
Abstract submission deadline: TOMORROW 4 February. Read on... 

Call for Chapter Proposals/Abstracts

Young People and the Sustainable Development Goals
The Companion will be published by Elgar Publishing as part of a series on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Handbooks/Companion series.
Abstract submission deadline: May 30, 2022. Read on...

Call for Papers

Homelessness and Social Work
The March 2022 edition of Parity
The basic aim of the edition is to examine and discuss the important role of social work in the response to homelessness.
Submission deadline: March 22. Read on... 
Forum Sociológico
Theme: Aging, life span and societal challenges
This special issue of Forum Sociológico focuses on analyzing the challenges resulting from a longer life, as one of the greatest social problems in contemporary societies. We welcome and encourage the authors to submit original articles of an empirical nature or theoretical essays, nationally and internationally.
Article submission deadline: 15 February, in English, Portuguese, French or Spanish. 
 All proposals must be sent to, with the subject of the dossier in the subject field. The journal’s publishing guidelines and other relevant information, as well as previous issues, are available here..
Edited volume on ‘Religion and Digital Cultures in Africa & Oceania’.
Editors include fellow member Enqi Weng
The editors welcome empirical studies and grounded approaches that deploy digital methods and explore digital expressions of religion. We envision creative theoretical and conceptual contributions that chart, characterize and contextualize the digital turn in the study of religion and its implications for the aforementioned post-colonial contexts.
Abstract submission deadline:
 28 February. Read on...
TASA Gift Memberships
Gift memberships, for any membership category, can now be accessed at anytime via your membership profile screen. If you would like to gift a membership, to someone new or to a current member, please follow the steps below:
STEP 1: Click here and log in

STEP 2: Click on the drop down menu to the right of your name in the purple bar (RH) at the top of the website (see 1st image below)
STEP 3: Click on Profile (see 1st image below)
STEP 4: Click on the Gift Memberships menu item and complete the details, see yellow highlights in 2nd image below. 
Profile Steps 2
Submitting Newsletter Items
We encourage you to support your colleagues by sharing details of your latest publications with them via this newsletter. No publication is too big or too small. Any mention of sociology is of value to our association, and to the discipline, so please do send through details of your latest publication (fully referenced & with a link, where possible) for the next newsletter, to TASA Admin. Usually, the newsletter is disseminated every Thursday morning.
Updating your Member Profile
Personal pronoun preferences can now be added to your profile. There are 9 combination options to choose from. Please let Sally in TASA Admin know if your preference/s is not on the list and we will have them added.
For assistance with updating your Member Profile on TASA web please see the video tutorial: Updating your Member Profile
TASA Documents and Policies
You can access details of TASA's current Executive Committee 2021 - 2022, and their respective portfoliosas well as documents and policies, including the ConstitutionValues StatementStatement on Academic Freedom, Code of Conduct, Grievance Procedures & TASA History
Accessing Online Materials & Resources
Menu navigation for online content

TASA members have access to over 90 peer-reviewed  Sage Sociology full-text collection online journals encompassing over 63,000 articles. The image on the left shows you where to access those journals, as well as the Sage Research Methods Collection & the Taylor and Francis Full Text Collection, when logged in to TASAweb. 

Contact TASA Admin:
Full list of TASA Twitter handles