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Date: 2/6/2022
Subject: Health Sociology Review: EoI call for new editorial team
From: TASA

Health Sociology Review


Call for new editorial team

Dear ~~first_name~~,

Applications are invited for the editorship of the journal Health Sociology Review (HSR) for the four-year term 2023–2026. Transition arrangements will begin later in 2022, although the content for the first issue of 2023, and possibly the second, will be finalised by the out-going editors.


About Health Sociology Review: HSR is a TASA journal and is an international peer-reviewed journal, which publishes high quality conceptual and empirical research in the sociology of health, illness and medicine. Published three times per year, the journal prioritises original research papers and special issues on matters of central importance to health sociology and related fields. Submissions must make a clear contribution to sociological inquiry relevant to health, but may be informed by conceptual and empirical debates from a broader range of health and social sciences. For further information please see the journal’s web site:

Term of editorship: The normal editorship term is 4 years.
Editorship requirements: Commitment to produce 3 issues of the journal per year, including book reviews and special issue, and meet the publishing deadlines; commitment to independent peer review procedures that ensure a fair and balanced assessment of material submitted for publication. The HSR Editorial team and TASA Executive shall approve any substantial changes to current review procedures.
HSR International Editorial Board: The new editorial team will need to establish a new International Editorial Board. Their establishment shall be in accord with the principles and Constitution of the Association, in particular each Board shall have, to the extent possible, gender balance.

Financial support: TASA provides financial support to the editor/s for clerical assistance and other associated costs which cannot be underwritten by the host’s workplace.

Contractual obligations: The editors must abide by the contractual agreement between TASA and the publisher Taylor and Francis (a copy will be supplied to the successful applicants).

Reporting requirements: The editor/s shall provide regular managerial reporting to the Executive Committee (3-4 per year) and an annual report. One member of the editorial team becomes an ex officio member of the TASA Executive. This role can be alternated each year.

Removal of editorship: The Executive Committee maintains the right to remove the editorship if essential criteria are consistently not met as outlined in this document.

Application process: Applicants must address the guidelines and essential and desirable criteria in this document. Applicants are encouraged to consult with the current editors before making a submission. Applications should be submitted to the TASA office, and applicants should indicate their intention to apply by email to

Application guidelines

The application should include:
  1. A 3-page CV for each team member.
  2. A maximum of 6 pages outlining the following information:
  •  Editorial team information: Name, affiliation, and proposed role for each team member. The team may be structured in a range of ways, with one lead Editor or 2-3 Joint Lead Editors, and several Associate Editors (up to 4 is recommended). Please provide justification for your proposed team structure.
  • Statement of experience for each team member: The statement should outline research, publication, and editorial experience.
  • Vision statement: A statement outlining the team’s proposed goals and innovations over the period of their tenure.
  • Budget and institutional support: The budget should include evidence of institutional support. The Executive Committee must be assured that there is sufficient institutional support for the successful conduct and management of the journal. If the application is successful, this institutional support will be ratified or confirmed by the HoD/HoS and Dean of the relevant faculty. These reassurances and commitments would be required prior to any transfer of the Journal’s editorship.
  • Cross-institutional arrangements: Applications from consortia based at two or more workplaces must demonstrate how they will work effectively.
Essential Criteria

Prospective editors are required to:
  1. Be current financial members of TASA and maintain their membership throughout their editorship term.
  2. Provide evidence of an established record of scholarship, including publication in refereed journals.
  3. Provide evidence of editorial and journal experience (indicated by participation in activities such as published articles and book reviews, reviewing submitted papers, and editorial board experience)
  4. Provide evidence of organisational abilities.
Note: The editorial team can contain up to one early career researcher who does not yet fully meet the requirements of essential criteria 2 and 3, but who shows the clear potential to do so.

Desirable criteria
  1. Location of journal: The management of the journal should ideally be located in a University with an academic unit in which sociology teaching and/or research is a focus.
  2. Commitment to TASA: Acceptance of editorship signals a commitment to the principles of TASA as set out in its Constitution. While maintaining its editorial independence, the editors must ensure that the journal broadly reflects the interests of TASA and its members.
Selection process
  • Submission due date: Applications are due by Monday 27 June 2022.
  • Determination: Applications will be reviewed and determined by the TASA Executive Committee at its mid-year meeting.
  • Outcome: The TASA President, Alphia Possamai-Inesedy, will inform all applicants of the outcome in August.
Further information can be obtained from the current Joint Editors in Chief, Professor Karen Willis and Associate Professor Sarah MacLean as well as the current Managing Editor, Sally Daly

Applications must be submitted by email to TASA Admin
Editors in Chief
Karen Willis
Sarah MacLean
Health Sociology Review is an international peer-reviewed journal, which publishes high quality conceptual and empirical research in the sociology of health, illness and medicine.

Published three times per year, the journal prioritises original research papers, papers that advance theory and methodology in the field of health sociology and special issues on matters of central importance to health sociology and related fields.

Review articles are published upon occasion, but must extend conceptual understanding in health sociology, not just review what is known about a particular topic.
You can follow us on Twitter: @HealthSocRev