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Date: 3/2/2022
Subject: TASA members newsletter: March 3
From: TASA

-Dear ~~first_name~~,
Unfortunately, Anthony K J Smith, our terrific postgraduate portfolio leader has had to make the tough decision of stepping down from the Executive. Anthony has been living with post-COVID fatigue since the end of last year. On top of this, Anthony is scheduled to submit this year so he needs to save any energy he has for that milestone. Anthony has been a wonderful executive member in his role as leading the postgraduate portfolio. He was also on the postgraduate sub-committee for the 2019-2020 term and a co-convener of the Health Thematic Group during 2020 and 2021. 
Whilst Anthony's absence will be felt by the Executive and the postgraduate sub-committee (PGSC), we are grateful and happy to report that Dorinda 't Hart has volunteered to step into this role. For a variety of reasons, the PGSC found itself low on committee members so they have started reaching out for replacements. See further down the newsletter for the latest updates. 
If you missed last week's TASA Thursdays event with fellow members Grazyna Zajdow & Kerry Power talking about the Trials and tribulations around the ethics of social media research, you can catch up with the recording here. 
Our next TASA Thursdays event is scheduled for March 17th, 12:30pm - 1:30pm AEDT, with fellow member Annette Brömdal and colleague Tait Sanders on Navigating Intimate Trans Citizenship while Incarcerated in Australia and the US. You can register for the event here. 

TASA Thursdays
For a full list of our TASA Thursdays events for 2022, as well as the registration links, please see TASAweb here
TASA Tea Time
Heidi Hetz, our Equity and Inclusion Portfolio Leader, will be hosting the next TASA Tea Time on Tuesday April 5, 8:30am - 9:30am (AWST Perth), 10:00am - 11:00am (Adelaide), 10:30am - 11:30am (AEST Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane & Cairns).
Join from a PC, Mac, iOS or Android:

Password: 676912
Members' Engaging Sociology

Journal Articles

Gabriel Caluzzi, Michael Livingston, John Holmes, Sarah MacLean, Dan I. Lubman, Paul Dietze, Rakhi Vashishtha, Rachel Herring, & Amy Pennay (2022) Response to commentaries: (de)normalization of drinking and its implications for young people, sociality, culture and epidemiology. Addiction. 
Maslen, Sarah. (2022) ‘Hearing Like a Musician: Integrating Sensory Perception of Self into a Social Theory of Self-Reflexivity’, Social Psychology Quarterly, online first. doi: 10.1177/01902725211071106.


Barbara Barbosa Neeves et al. (2022) Living a healthy fulfilling life in older age". Discussion of my research on loneliness, new technology and ageism. ABC Big Ideas Panelist, February 23. 




Postgraduate Portfolio Leader and Sub-Committee
Dorinda 't Hart is a current member of the postgraduate sub-committee and the interim postgraduate portfolio leader. Dorinda is a PhD candidate in the School of Social Sciences at the University of Western Australia. Dorinda's current research project is a qualitative interview-based examination of post-abortion stories, shared by Perth women. This project examines the exercise of agency by autonomous women towards an abortion decision.

Dorinda's research interests lie in qualitative methodology, including research ethics within sensitive research. She also has research interests in those things that impact women and families more broadly, as well as rural communities and social theory.
Bernardo recently agreed to be on the postgraduate sub-committee. Bernardo's areas of expertise are quantitative and qualitative research methods, community development, communication and social theory. Bernardo has previously worked as a Research Assistant for the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (Germany) conducting ethnographic research in south Buenos Aires with Peruvian and Bolivian migrants. In addition to this, Bernardo has acted as a Project Manager designing, facilitating and evaluating multiple community programs in remote Mayan indigenous communities (Mexico) and in slums from North Buenos Aires.

With a BA in Sociology, Bernardo has worked at Universidad del Salvador as a Tutor in Qualitative Research Methods, Introduction to Methods of Social Research and Introduction to Latin-American Social studies. After working for the WA Department of Education, Bernardo decided to start his PhD research project exploring the intersection between home-making practices, social networks and temporary migration at the University of Western Australia. He is currently working as a Project Manager at the Social Care & Ageing Living Lab (UWA) and Telethon Kids.
ISA 2023
Deadlines for our TASA hosted ISA 2023 XX World Congress are now available here. For quick reference, the abstract submission deadline is September 30. 
Thematic Groups

Sociology of Youth drop-in session

This drop-in session is intended as a way for the members of TASA's Sociology of Youth thematic group to connect and have a chat about what they want for the group, and what they would like to do with future sessions. If you're a long-term, involved thematic group member or have just joined TASA and have never been to an event before, we would love to see you.
Tuesday, 8 March, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM AEDT
Register here.

Incoming Convener

Alice Campbell
We are very happy that fellow member Alice Campbell responded to our call for the role of co-covnener of the Families and Relationships thematic group. Alice is currently a postdoc in the Life Course Centre at UQ, with current research interests in women's sexualities, gender-based violence, the feminization of poverty and care work, and diverse family structures. You can find out more about Alice and Alice's work here:

Returning / Incoming Conveners

Sociology of Emotions and Affect Thematic Group

This week, we are introducing you to the conveners for the Sociology of Emotions and Affect Thematic Group.
TASA’s Sociology of Emotions and Affect Thematic Group brings together a growing body of theory, methods and interconnected research on emotions and affect. The group aims to facilitate connections, provides a platform for discussion and promotes collaboration among scholars working within the field of emotions and affect. Theoretical and applied research in emotions and affect transcends boundaries between discrete areas of research and is applicable across much sociological scholarship. This body of work recognises that emotions and affect are central to the unfolding of individual lives and the social world of which they are part, underpinning economic, political and social processes.

The group's objectives are to:
  • Further onto-epistemological scholarship on emotion and affect
  • Critically engage with emotions and affect at the micro-level located within everyday social interactions and situations and at the macro-level, in social institutions, discourses, and ideologies.
  • Contribute to the development of methodological approaches and methods for researching and theorising affect, feeling and emotion.
  • Establish cross-disciplinary research and links between sociological sub-disciplines exploring emotions and affect.
The returning conveners are Nicholas Hill and Matthew Wade who have been joined by incoming convener Maree Martinussen

Matt is a Lecturer in the Department of Social Inquiry in the Crime, Justice & Legal Studies and Sociology programs at La Trobe. Matt's primary research interests lie mainly within the sociology of science, technology, morality, and health, particularly in critically exploring expected practices around proving our ‘moral worthiness’. This includes assessing applications of technology in shaping judgments of deservedness in crowdfunding, charitable causes, and job recruitment. Read on...
Nick is a Research Associate based in the Social and Global Studies Centre at RMIT University. Nick has extensive research and teaching experience in the areas of mental health and wellbeing, critical social policy, and social justice. He publishes in interdisciplinary scholarly journals and produces website content based on health and illness experiences for Healthtalk Australia. His book, Critical Happiness Studies, was published by Routledge in 2020. Read on... 
Maree Martinussen
Maree (Te Aitanga-a-Māhaki) is an interdisciplinary, feminist, identity studies scholar. She is interested in equity policy and practices in higher education and social class. Using discourse analytic methods that make use of the study emotion and affect, she is keen to forward an agenda for studying embodied, affective experiences in highly empirical ways, that showcase people’s active meaning-making. Through a McKenzie Postdoctoral Fellowship, she is examining how privilege and disadvantage operate in Australian universities, as they intersect with gender and ethnicity. Women from low socioeconomic and ethnic minority backgrounds provide case studies for exploring if and how university cultures perpetuate class inequities, and/or foster the strengths of diverse populations. Read on...
TASA Publications

Journal of Sociology

Journal of Sociology - Volume: 58, Number: 1 (March 2022) has been published. You can access the Table of Contents here.
Journal of Sociology - call for guest editors for the 2024 special issue
Each year the editors invite expressions of interest from the international community of sociological scholars to guest edit a special issue of the journal. Special issues may address any sociological theme that is likely to be of interest to the journal’s international readership.
The deadline for expressions of interest for the 2024 special issue is June 20th, 2022. For full details, read on...

Health Sociology Review

Health Sociology Review Call for New Editorial Team
Applications are invited for the editorship of the journal HEALTH SOCIOLOGY REVIEW (HSR) for the four-year term 2023–2026. Transition arrangements will begin later in 2022, although the content for the first issue of 2023 will be finalised by the out-going editors.
Submission deadline: Monday June 27. Read on... 
New: Research Fellow / Senior Research Fellow (fixed term)
University of Nottingham
The role is part of Dr Philippa Tomczak’s prestigious £1.3m, five year European Research Council Starting Grant RECEDE ‘REgulating Criminal justicE DEtention: glocal prospects for improving health and safety in detention and society’.
Application deadline: March 15. Read on... 
Lecturer in Social Policy
University of Melbourne
Continuing position. The Lecturer in Social Policy will be responsible for teaching at both Sociology’s undergraduate program and the postgraduate level in the Master of Social Policy, supervise Honours, postgraduate coursework and research higher degree theses and foster engagement links with external networks / partners nationally and internationally.
Application deadline: March 13. Read on...  
Associate, or Assistant Professor of Sociology
Singapore Management University, School of Social Sciences
Applications close: March 14. Read on... 

There are many members of TASA who are looking for work, from sessional teaching through to applied consultancy research. Our 'Looking for Work' registry is to provide a way for our members who are looking for work to connect with people looking to employ sociologists. We also acknowledge many of our members are employed precariously, and we hope this registry might help in building connections and networks towards more stable employment.
Note, if you are looking for work you can list yourself in the 'Looking for Work' registry via your membership profile. Click on the Additional Member Data tab and scroll down to the question 'Are you looking for work?' After selecting 'yes' to that question, your details will appear in our publicly searchable 'Find a Sociologist' directory. Please contact TASA Admin if you need assistance adding your details. 
If you would like to be spotlighted in our newsletter as someone looking for work, please email TASA Admin, and attach a profile image that can be used in the spotlight and include a bio outlining your location, highest qualification, areas of expertise, the type of work you are looking for, and whether you are in a position to relocate etc. 

Jobs Board

The Jobs Board enables you to view current employment opportunities. As a member, you can post opportunities to the Jobs Board directly from within your membership profile screen.
Current Employment Opportunities
PhD Scholarships
New: Gendered Dynamics in Community Volunteering Practices
This PhD scholarship is offered by the Melbourne Social Equity Institute in partnership with Volunteer West
Under the supervision of fellow member Brendan Churchill
Applications close: Wednesday April 27.  Read on...

Scholarships Board

The Scholarships Board enables you to view available scholarships that our members have posted. Like the Jobs Board, as a member, you can post scholarship opportunities directly from within your membership profile screen.
Current Scholarship Opportunities
Other Events, News & Opportunities

Creative Workshops

New: HealthTech: Today and Tomorrow. Melbourne Design Week.
Who gets to design new healthtech products? Who are these designed for? How can we do design differently and more inclusively? This hands-on creative workshop will explore how emerging technologies such as automated decision-making (ADM) and artificial intelligence (AI) tools are being designed, understood, and imagined within contexts of health and wellbeing, and what better and more inclusive futures can be developed.
Presented by Ash Watson, Vaughan Wozniak-O’Connor and Deborah Lupton, from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society
Saturday March 19, 10am - 12pm, ACMI, Flinders Street, Melbourne. Read on...

Call for Survey Responses

New: Data commons for Australian social science: How big is the gap? (National survey)
This survey seeks to understand how Australian social science researchers use data commons today; and what we're missing. It's the first survey of its kind, and will provide the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia and other stakeholders with evidence to advocate for social science data commons over the coming 10 years.
The survey closes TOMORROW Friday, 4 March. Read on...
New: Ismaeel Ambikapathy, a year 12 student is calling for participants.  Ismaeel's goal is to gather research on the world of academia in society today. The collected data from this will be used for a project on academia and its relevance in society today. This survey will close on the 3rd of April, so please get your responses in before then. All responses are completely anonymous. Read on...


New: 2022 International Conference on Method Triangulation: Implications for Social Science Research
18-19 August 2022, Taiwan
Abstract submission deadline: March 7. Read on...
Social Networks, Disaster Recovery and Environmental Governance in the Face of Climate Change
Social Network Analysis 
International conference, 12 - 16 July, Cairns
Abstract submission deadline: February 20 but they are still accepting abstracts. Read on...

Digital Workshop

First Work-in-Progress Workshop in the Digital Sociology thematic group (TG10) of the International Sociological Association (ISA).
7 - 8 July
The workshop is for Early Stage Researchers (Ph.D. Students, Postdocs) to discuss their ideas and help them to transform them into a journal publication with the support of TG10's Programme Committee members.
Abstract submission deadline: March 15. Read on...

Round Table Discussion

Education as a realm of sociological studies
The Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the educational company “Vseosvita” kindly invite social researchers and educators from Australia (as well as from other countries) to take part in a round-table discussion titled “Education as a realm of sociological studies”. The discussion will be held on 12 March 2022. The event will start at 10 a.m. (UTC+2), which is 7:00pm AEDT. The participants can both deliver a presentation via Zoom and publish a short article on this topic in “Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing”, a peer-reviewed quarterly (
Expressions of interest deadline: 10 March.
Anyone interested in participating in this event can write to fellow member Olha Maksymenko (, and they will receive further information about participation.

World Congress

(In)Justice International are holding a hybrid (online, pre-recorded and in-person) World Convention event on March 22-25 2022. They have received 40 presentations already with more on the way. You can access the book of abstracts here. They are now calling for online attendees to participate in the workshops. The call is open to everyone in the spirit of inclusion. It is not purely academic. If you or your colleagues, students, friends etc. are interested, please see their agenda.
If you are an academic, and teach students, you might also be interested in their 'Educational Project'.  To read more about (In)Justice International, you can visit their website. You can also contact fellow member Simon Prideaux.

Call for Chapter Proposals/Abstracts

Young People and the Sustainable Development Goals
The Companion will be published by Elgar Publishing as part of a series on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Handbooks/Companion series.
Abstract submission deadline: May 30, 2022. Read on...

Call for Papers

Indigenous Emancipation: The Fight Against Marginalisation, Criminalisation, and Oppression
Special Issue for Social Inclusion (all open access)
Abstract submission deadline: between June 1st and June 15. Read on...
Homelessness and Social Work
The March 2022 edition of Parity
The basic aim of the edition is to examine and discuss the important role of social work in the response to homelessness.
Submission deadline: March 22. Read on...  

TASA Gift Memberships
Gift memberships, for any membership category, can now be accessed at anytime via your membership profile screen. If you would like to gift a membership, to someone new or to a current member, please follow the steps below:
STEP 1: Click here and log in

STEP 2: Click on the drop down menu to the right of your name in the purple bar (RH) at the top of the website (see 1st image below)
STEP 3: Click on Profile (see 1st image below)
STEP 4: Click on the Gift Memberships menu item and complete the details, see yellow highlights in 2nd image below. 
Profile Steps 2
Submitting Newsletter Items
We encourage you to support your colleagues by sharing details of your latest publications with them via this newsletter. No publication is too big or too small. Any mention of sociology is of value to our association, and to the discipline, so please do send through details of your latest publication (fully referenced & with a link, where possible) for the next newsletter, to TASA Admin. Usually, the newsletter is disseminated every Thursday morning.
Updating your Member Profile
Personal pronoun preferences can now be added to your profile. There are 9 combination options to choose from. Please let Sally in TASA Admin know if your preference/s is not on the list and we will have them added.
For assistance with updating your Member Profile on TASA web please see the video tutorial: Updating your Member Profile
TASA Documents and Policies
You can access details of TASA's current Executive Committee 2021 - 2022, and their respective portfoliosas well as documents and policies, including the ConstitutionValues StatementStatement on Academic Freedom, Code of Conduct, Grievance Procedures & TASA History
Accessing Online Materials & Resources
Menu navigation for online content

TASA members have access to over 90 peer-reviewed  Sage Sociology full-text collection online journals encompassing over 63,000 articles. The image on the left shows you where to access those journals, as well as the Sage Research Methods Collection & the Taylor and Francis Full Text Collection, when logged in to TASAweb. 

Contact TASA Admin:
Full list of TASA Twitter handles