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Date: 4/28/2022
Subject: Journal of Sociology - Special Issue: Transforming Rural Futures
From: TASA

Journal of Sociology
Special Issue: - ‘Transforming Rural Futures’
Dear ~~first_name~~,
We are very happy to share the news of the Journal of Sociology Special Issue on 'Transforming Rural Futures'. Guest editors for the issue are Christina Malatzky and Kiah Smith. Below is the abstract from Christina and Kaih's editorial as well as links to each paper included in the issue. 
"Historically and now, the rural is frequently relegated to the periphery of broader public and policy debates, and within the discipline of sociology. At this moment in time, where the world needs radical re-imagining for the future, rural perspectives and realities must be visible and addressed. This article introduces a special issue of the Journal of Sociology which seeks to articulate how rural sociology is a crucial field of study for (re)imaging rural futures. In this article, we provide an overview of the research included in the collection, which draws much needed attention to some of the specific contemporary challenges encountered in rural places and some of the possibilities for transforming rural futures, and rural sociology. We argue that rural places are a key site where transformative change can, and does occur, and that rural sociologists are ideally positioned to work with and for rural communities in effecting desired change."
  • Promoting healthy futures in a rural refugee resettlement location: A community-based participatory research intervention, Caitlin Nunn, Raelene Wilding, Katharine McKinnon, Htoo Gay Ku, Gai Porh Soe La Myint, Posao (Nido) Taveesupmai, Megan O’Keefe, and Kaye Graves:


Associate Professor Helen Forbes-Mewett (Monash University)
Editor in Chief, Journal of Sociology
Editor in Chief
Helen Forbes-Mewett
Managing Editor
Allegra Schermuly
About the Journal of Sociology
Journal of Sociology features high quality sociological scholarship in all its forms. We are dedicated to showcasing theory as well as applied sociology, quantitative and qualitative research. Interdisciplinary pieces are welcome, as are submissions from outside the academy. Based in the Southern Hemisphere and committed to intellectual works from the Asia-Pacific region, including Indigenous scholarship, we also encourage submissions from across the globe.
You can read more about the Journal of Sociology here and keep up-to-date via Twitter: @JSociology