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Date: 6/6/2022
Subject: TASA 2022 Executive Election
From: TASA

Pending Election Announcement

Dear ~~first_name~~
TASA’s Executive Committee volunteers govern the Association and manage its daily business as outlined in the Constitution and by established policies. The Executive Committee consists of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Postgraduate portfolio leader and up to four portfolio leaders as voting members, as well as the Immediate Past President and one representative of the editorial team for each of TASA’s publications as non-voting ex officio members. Every two years an Executive Election is held. The next call for nominations will be disseminated to all TASA members on July 1 this year.
We encourage all members to consider standing for an Executive position. To assist your thinking about this opportunity, please access a copy of TASA’s 2023/24 Executive Organisational Chart here and the Executive Committee Position Descriptions here.
Please note, prior to an election, the Executive review the portfolios and decide if amendments are needed. After a detailed review process, it was decided that the pending election will see a call for portfolio leaders for:
  1. Indigenous (new)
  2. Public Sociology
  3. Equity & Inclusion
  4. Thematic Groups
As noted above, the Indigenous portfolio is a new addition to the Executive. Coupled with the new portfolio position is the introduction of free membership for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. TASA's Executive is serious about Indigenous Sociology and looks forward to growing the association's Indigenous membership and contributing to expanding and strengthening Indigenous Sociology.
Position descriptions for each portfolio and the committee positions are available here. If you are interested in a particular Executive position, and you would like more information, we encourage you to contact the member currently in that role for a confidential chat. The current Executive are listed on TASAweb here.
We will also be calling for expressions of interest for our Digital Publications Editor(s) portfolio. The position description can be viewed here.

Professor Dan Woodman
TASA, Immediate Past President
2022 Election Returning Officer