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Date: 6/8/2022
Subject: TASA members newsletter: June 9
From: TASA

Dear ~~first_name~~, 
Earlier this week, we emailed you about the pending TASA Executive Election. Nominations for all portfolios will open on July 4th. Nominations will be called for the following portfolios:
  • President
  • Vice-president
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Indigenous
  • Equity & Inclusion
  • Public Sociology
  • Thematic Groups
  • Postgraduate
The position descriptions for each of the above Executive portfolios can be viewed here.
We will also be calling for expressions of interest for our Digital Publications Editor(s) portfolio. The position description can be viewed here.
If you missed last nights terrific event with long term TASA member Professor Fran Collyer and UK researcher Graham Crow (Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Methodology) presenting their research on retired academics, you can catch up with the recording here.
Similarly, if you missed last week's TASA Thursdays event with fellow member Tom Barnes hosting The Future of Work: Challenges of Regulation for the Albanese Labor Government with speakers Elizabeth Hill, fellow member Elizabeth Humphrys, and Alison Pennington, you can catch up with the recording here.

We extend a warm congratulations to fellow member Anna Halafoff who, as part of a team, has secured project funding from the 2022 round of the Contemplative Studies Centre's Academic Seed Funding Program. The project is Dying ‘Buddhish’ in Australia: Investigating the role of Buddhist contemplative practices in end-of-life and death care
TASA Awards
TASA bestows several annual awards and four of them are currently open for nominations. Namely:
  1. Distinguished Service to Australian Sociology Award;
  2. Early Career Researcher – Best Paper Prize;
  3. Outstanding Service to TASA Award; and
  4. Sociology in Action Award.
Nominations for all 4 awards close on June 15th. 
Members' Engaging Sociology

Special Issues

Special Issue: Journal of Global Indigeneity, Vol. 6, Issue 1, 2022
Last year, our Critical Indigenous Studies Thematic Group hosted the ‘Critical Indigenous Studies Symposium’ made possible with the support of TASA thematic group funding, The Department of Indigenous Studies and The Centre for Global Indigenous Futures.  The symposium showcased the breadth and diversity of Indigenous sociologists’ scholarship, the scholarship of their allies, and future contributions that will be made by Indigenous sociologists. The Special Issue includes papers presented at the symposium. They can be accessed here.

Journal Articles

Bridges, D., Wulff, E., & Krivokapic-Skoko, B. & Bamberry, L. (2022) Girls in trades: Tokenism and sexual harassment inside the VET classroom, Journal of Vocational Education & Training, DOI: 10.1080/13636820.2022.2084768
Alan Morris, Andrew Clarke, Catherine Robinson, Jan Idle & Cameron Parsell (2022) Applying for Social Housing in Australia – The Centrality of Cultural, Social and Emotional Capital, Housing, Theory and Society, DOI: 10.1080/14036096.2022.2085169

Bamberry, L., Bridges, D., Wulff, E., & Krivokapic-Skoko, B. (2022). Inequality regimes in male-dominated trades: What role do apprenticeship intermediaries (GTOs) play? The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 10353046221096270
Brömdal, A., Halliwell, S., Sanders, T., Clark, K. A., Gildersleeve, J., Mullens, A. B., Phillips, T. M., Debattista, J., du Plessis, C., Daken, K., & Hughto, J. M. W. (2022). Navigating intimate trans citizenship while incarcerated in Australia and the United States. Feminism & Psychology, 0(0), 1-23.
Manouchehri, B., Burns, E. A., Davoudi, S., & Sharifi, A. (2022). Exploring the views of Iranian planning professionals on children’s active involvement in urban planning. Environment and Urbanization, 1-20.
Sullivan, C. T., Coe, G., Spurway, K., Briskman, L., Trewellyn, W., Leha, J., & Soldatic, K. (2022). Mobility Tactics: Young LGBTIQ+ Indigenous Australians’ Belonging and Connectedness. Journal of Global Indigeneity, 6(1).
Thorneycroft, Ryan and J. Logan Smilges 2022, ‘Choosing disability: bug chasing and gift giving in gay pornography’, Porn Studies, OnlineFirst, DOI: 10.1080/23268743.2022.2066567.
Corrected version: Hendry NA. ‘Hey lovely! Don’t miss this opportunity!’ Digital temporalities of wellness culture, email marketing, and the promise of abundance. Journal of Sociology. May 2022. doi:10.1177/14407833221101397

Media Mentions

Simone Marino (2022) Creating a ‘soundtrack of memories’ for migrants living with dementia. The Australian Ageing Agenda, May 12. 


TASA Thursdays
For a full list of our TASA Thursdays events for 2022, as well as the registration links, please visit TASAweb here.
TASA Tea Time
Thanks to Heidi Hetz, our equity & inclusion portfolio leader, the next TASA Tea Time session will be held on Thursday July 7, 4:00pm (AEST). You can register for the session here.
Migration, Racism and COVID-19: Challenges and Insights Workshop
Co-hosted by the Migration & Mobilities Research Network and TASA Migration, Ethnicities & Multiculturalism Thematic Group
Friday, 17 June 2022, 10am – 5pm AEST
The University of Melbourne and Zoom (Hybrid Event)
This is a free event, but online registration is required.
For details, and to register, read on...
TASA Public Engagement Survey (PES)
Last week, we emailed an invitation to participate in TASA's research regarding the Public Role of Sociology, being managed by Roger Patulny, our Public Sociology Portfolio Leader.  To find out more and to participate, click on the orange link below:

Take the Survey

Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser:
We encourage you to share the survey link among your networks. 
ISA 2023
Deadlines for our TASA hosted ISA 2023 XX World Congress are now available here. For quick reference, the abstract submission deadline is September 30. 
Thematic Groups

Incoming Conveners

This week, we are introducing you to the conveners of the Urban Sociology Thematic Group
The Urban Sociology Thematic Group provides an opportunity for debate, sharing and collaboration for scholars interested in issues related to cities including urban culture and community, governance, housing, transport and inequality in Australia and internationally.

The group holds sessions at annual conferences, other seminars and workshops as opportunities arise and provides the means to communicate by social media.
The incoming conveners are Kazi Fattah and Rebecca Williamson.
Kazi Fattah is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Queensland (UQ) School of Social Science. He completed his PhD in 2021 from the University of Queensland. His disciplinary background is in sociology, development studies and qualitative research. Before joining the University of Queensland, he worked as a Research Fellow at Melbourne Centre for Cities, the University of Melbourne and prior to that at BRAC in Bangladesh as a community development practitioner. His research interests include informal urbanism, urban governance and social policy, climate adaptation, and community-driven development in Southern cities. His current research at the UQ looks at informal climate urbanism in the Asia and the Pacific. He is also working as a Visiting Fellow at the Melbourne Centre for Cities as part of a multi-country research project that examines policy responses to the Covid19 pandemic in select South and Southeast Asian megacities.
Rebecca Williamson has worked as a research officer, sessional lecturer and tutor in the School of Sociology and the Research School at Population Health at ANU, and is currently employed as a research associate at UNSW. She has an MA in social anthropology (Victoria University, Wellington) and a PhD in sociology from the University of Sydney (2016), where her doctoral research focused on migration, urban diversity, public spaces and multicultural belonging. Her published work has focused on migration and social transformation, the governance of public spaces, urban diversity, and gender and the geographies of care. She has a research interest in public health and community wellbeing in times of environmental and other crises, with a particular focus on maternal health and housing. In recent years she has developed applied research skills in the areas of gender equity, urban living labs and public space evaluation.
TASA Publications

Journal of Sociology

Journal of Sociology - Volume: 58, Number: 2 (June 2022) has been published. You can access the Table of Contents here.
Journal of Sociology - call for guest editors for the 2024 special issue
Each year the editors invite expressions of interest from the international community of sociological scholars to guest edit a special issue of the journal. Special issues may address any sociological theme that is likely to be of interest to the journal’s international readership.
The deadline for expressions of interest for the 2024 special issue is June 20th, 2022. For full details, read on...

Health Sociology Review

Health Sociology Review Call for New Editorial Team
Applications are invited for the editorship of the journal HEALTH SOCIOLOGY REVIEW (HSR) for the four-year term 2023–2026. Transition arrangements will begin later in 2022, although the content for the first issue of 2023 will be finalised by the out-going editors.
Submission deadline: Monday June 27. Read on... 
Teaching Opportunity, Semester 2, 2022
Casual, June/ July – November 2022
University of Melbourne
Seeking someone who is sociologically trained, to join our dynamic teaching team in Semester 2, 2022. Particularly interested if you have a practice background in the education, public health, youth or community services sectors. You would be teaching professionals who already work in same (eg. doctors, teachers, nurses, police) the fundamental concepts for an applied socio-environmental approach to understanding and working more effectively with young people. In focus are fundamental ideas like social change, inequality, historical, global and cultural perspectives, class, gender, race, ability, geographies, inter-sectionality … etc. SEC (see below) is a core subject in the Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma or Master in Adolescent Health and Wellbeing
The subject is ready to go but needs a great communicator with a heart for effective practice.
For more detailsread on...
Contact Dr Ani Wierenga:

Level A Research Officer or Level B Research Fellow
La Trobe University
Application deadline: June 15. Read on...
Head of School, School of Social Sciences and Professor
Monash University
Application deadline: July 10. Read on...
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor in Environmental Policy
The Fenner School of Environment and Society are seeking an outstanding mid-career academic to contribute to the School’s research, education and impact in the field of environment policy. The successful candidate will contribute to curriculum renewal and lead courses relevant to environment policy. The position is a continuing Level C/D. They are looking for a candidate with an excellent capacity for collaborative research and outreach, a passion for teaching, and an inter-disciplinary approach to building partnerships for research and impact on environment policy. This role is also specifically available for women. Women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and LGBTQ+ women are strongly encouraged to apply.
Application deadline: June 19. 
Read on... 

Jobs Board

The Jobs Board enables you to view current employment opportunities. As a member, you can post opportunities to the Jobs Board directly from within your membership profile screen.
Current Employment Opportunities
PhD Scholarships

Scholarships Board

The Scholarships Board enables you to view available scholarships that our members have posted. Like the Jobs Board, as a member, you can post scholarship opportunities directly from within your membership profile screen.
Current Scholarship Opportunities
Other Events, News & Opportunities

Summer Institute in Computational Social Science - Festival

New: In late June, the University of Sydney will host the Summer Institute in Computational Social Science (SICSS). They made a series of their events and workshops free and open to the public as part of the SICSS Festival:  TASA members are welcome to join these events. Please direct any questions to

Call for Book Reviewers

New: Fellow member Erik Aslaksen has written a book called Evolution and Society. Erik is looking for members to review the book.
The book presents a view of society as an information-processing system, with individuals as the networked processors. In its ideal form, from which our current society is very far removed, the access and contribution to the information is freely available to every individual; a main aim of the book is to provide a measure of whether we are currently moving toward or away from this ideal. The book has 13 chapters and about 300 pages, and the review would be needed by early October.

Social Sciences Week 2022

The team of Social Sciences Week (SSW) organisers have developed a digital assets webpage where you can easily download SSW images for your email signature, Twitter & Facebook etc.
SSW 2022

Call for Participants

Online Child Sexual Exploitation (OCSE) Research Project
This study involves collecting data from not only offenders but also individuals who haven’t been charged with any type of sexual offending against children, and the benefits are hoped to be at least twofold. It is hoped that the results will contribute to enhancing the early detection of online child sexual offenders through revealing potential risk factors associated with this type of offending. And due to current risk assessment and therapeutic interventions being geared more toward contact offenders (and thus sometimes not overly effective) the research will hopefully contribute to enhancing risk assessment practices and therapeutic frameworks designed to target a reduction of offending and recidivism in this area.
For more information, please see the flyer and survey link.


Method Triangulation
Taiwan, 18-19 August 
For details, read on...

Call for Papers

Expanding the Boundaries of Digital Inclusion: Perspectives From Network Peripheries and Non-Adopters
Social Inclusion
Deadline for Articles: 31 January 2023
Abstract submission deadline: July 15. Read on...
Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion
Change and Its Discontents: Religious Organizations and Religious Life in Central and Eastern Europe
Volume 15 (Forthcoming 2024)
Edited by Olga Breskaya, University of Padova, and Siniša Zrinščak, University of Zagreb
For details, see the flyer.
Indigenous Emancipation: The Fight Against Marginalisation, Criminalisation, and Oppression
Edited by Grace O’Brien, Pey-Chun Pan, and Simon Prideaux as part of the (In)Justice International Collective
Abstract submission deadline: June 15. Read on...
The politics of age in sex and sexuality education for children and young people
Sex Education journal
Abstract submission deadline: TOMORROW 10th June. Read on...
Disabled People and the Intersectional Nature of Social Inclusion
Social Inclusion, Volume 11, Issue 4
Abstract submission deadline: November 15 - 30.  Read on...
Indigenous Emancipation: The Fight Against Marginalisation, Criminalisation, and Oppression
Special Issue for Social Inclusion (all open access)
Abstract submission deadline: June 15. Read on...

TASA Gift Memberships
Gift memberships, for any membership category, can now be accessed at anytime via your membership profile screen. If you would like to gift a membership, to someone new or to a current member, please follow the steps below:
STEP 1: Click here and log in

STEP 2: Click on the drop down menu to the right of your name in the purple bar (RH) at the top of the website (see 1st image below)
STEP 3: Click on Profile (see 1st image below)
STEP 4: Click on the Gift Memberships menu item and complete the details, see yellow highlights in 2nd image below. 
Profile Steps 2
Submitting Newsletter Items
We encourage you to support your colleagues by sharing details of your latest publications with them via this newsletter. No publication is too big or too small. Any mention of sociology is of value to our association, and to the discipline, so please do send through details of your latest publication (fully referenced & with a link, where possible) for the next newsletter, to TASA Admin. Usually, the newsletter is disseminated every Thursday morning.
Updating your Member Profile
Personal pronoun preferences can now be added to your profile. There are 9 combination options to choose from. Please let Sally in TASA Admin know if your preference/s is not on the list and we will have them added.
For assistance with updating your Member Profile on TASA web please see the video tutorial: Updating your Member Profile
TASA Documents and Policies
You can access details of TASA's current Executive Committee 2021 - 2022, and their respective portfoliosas well as documents and policies, including the ConstitutionValues StatementStatement on Academic Freedom, Code of Conduct, Grievance Procedures & TASA History
Accessing Online Materials & Resources
Menu navigation for online content

TASA members have access to over 90 peer-reviewed  Sage Sociology full-text collection online journals encompassing over 63,000 articles. The image on the left shows you where to access those journals, as well as the Sage Research Methods Collection & the Taylor and Francis Full Text Collection, when logged in to TASAweb. If needed, here is a short instructive video on how to access the journals. 

Contact TASA Admin:
Full list of TASA Twitter handles