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Date: 7/18/2024
Subject: You're invited to join us for TASA's Impact and Engagement Award Webinar: How to apply
From: TASA

You're invited to attend...

Postgraduate Webinar: TASA's Impact and Engagement Award

Dear ~~first_name~~,
You are invited to join us on Thursday 1st  August for an engaging online webinar dedicated to discussing TASA's Postgraduate Impact and Engagement Award. This session will provide invaluable insights for aspiring applicants, featuring a panel of past winners who will share their experiences and offer tips for successful submissions.

Hosted by fellow member Ben Lohmeyer, this webinar will delve into the award's significance, criteria, and what the assessment team is looking for in applications. The discussion will highlight the Award's aim of recognising the impactful and socially valuable contributions of Postgraduate TASA members, extending beyond traditional publications to include teaching, community work, and non-traditional academic outputs.

Date: Thursday 1st August 2024
Time: 12:30pm - 13:30pm AEST
Format: Zoom


About the Award
The Postgraduate Impact and Engagement Award is an annual accolade that celebrates outstanding contributions in sociology that benefit Australian society. It is based on the Boyer model of scholarship, recognizing the values of Discovery, Integration, Application, and Teaching. We invite TASA Postgraduate members to apply or nominate peers and supervisors to recognize exceptional impact and engagement in sociological scholarship.

Application Deadline: 19th August 2024

Nominate for this award

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of what makes a successful application and how your work can make a significant impact. Register now and take the first step towards showcasing your contributions to the field of sociology.


Richa George
TASA’s 2023-2024 Postgraduate Portfolio Leader

Richa George (Postgraduate Portfolio Leader)

Monash University
You can follow postgraduate activity via Twitter: @tasapostgrads