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Date: 7/24/2024
Subject: TASA members newsletter: July 25th
From: TASA

Dear ~~first_name~~,
If you missed our TASA Thursdays event last week on Social Class and Emotions in Australia, chaired by fellow member Kristen Foley with presentations from members Roger Patulny & Steven Threadgold, and colleague Belinda Lunnay, you can catch up with the recording here.

We extend our warm congratulations to Peta Cook, a long term member of TASA, who was recently promoted to Associate Professor. 
VP & PG election call
As per our email on Tuesday, at the close of nominations for TASA's Executive two-year term November 2024 – November 2026, the following persons were elected unopposed:
  • President: Kim Humphery, Charles Darwin University
  • Secretary: Kay Cook, Swinburne University
  • Treasurer: Adrienne Byrt, Swinburne University
  • Indigenous: Joann Schmider, Central Queensland University
More than one nomination was received for the Equity & Inclusion, Public Sociology, and Thematic Groups Portfolios. Your participation in this voting process is crucial, as it helps shape the future direction of our association. If you haven't voted already, we encourage you to do so via the orange button below, by midday August 14th:
Importantly, we didn't receive any nominations for the Vice-President and Postgraduate portfolios. Details on how to nominate for either role can be found on TASAweb here.
Note, we also didn't receive expressions of interest for our Digital Publications Editor(s) position. The position description can be viewed here. Please email your expression of interest to Sally in TASA Admin by Monday August 5th, 2024.
TASA's Postgraduate Impact and Engagement Award Webinar
Join us on 1st August for an engaging online webinar dedicated to discussing TASA's Postgraduate Impact and Engagement Award.
This session will provide invaluable insights for aspiring applicants, featuring a panel including the member who developed the Award (Ben), a past winner (Ellen), and a seasoned applied sociologist (Catherine).
The panel members will share their experiences and offer tips for submissions.

Click here to read more
TASA mentoring program
We are sincerely heartened by the number of members who are interested in mentoring a fellow member. The level of current interest will help ensure this pilot program moves to a staple membership offering!
This is the final call for members to submit an expression of interest to be paired with a TASA member mentor. The pilot mentoring program, aimed at fostering growth and development among our members, will run for 6 months, starting with some online webinars designed for mentors and mentees to get the most out of the program. The aim would be for mentor/mentee pairs to meet fortnightly to monthly (6-12 sessions) either online or in-person or a mixture of both.
We are collecting some relevant information on very short forms!  The full details are available on TASAweb  here. You can also go straight to the mentee form via the orange button below for the forms.
Members' Publications


Qi, Xiaoying. 2024. Emotion in and through Crisis. British Journal of Sociology. Online first [OPEN ACCESS].
Threadgold, S., Molnar, L., Sharp, M., Coffey, J., & Farrugia, D. (2024). Hospitality workers and gentrification processes: Elective belonging and reflexive complicity. The British Journal of Sociology, 1–16. [OPEN ACCESS].
Hughes, M., & Whitaker, L. (2024). Listening deeply to refugee background women to understand experiences of domestic and family violence in their communities to foster engagement with global support systems. Health Sociology Review, 33(2), 175–191. [OPEN ACCESS].
Fitts, M., & Soldatic, K. (2024). Temporalities of emergency: the experiences of Indigenous women with traumatic brain injury from violence waiting for healthcare and service support in Australia. Health Sociology Review, 33(2), 160–174. [OPEN ACCESS].
Rose, J., McCallum, T., Tsantefski, M., & Rathus, Z. (2024). Healthcare and legal systems responses to coercive control: an embodied performance of one woman’s experience. Health Sociology Review, 33(2), 192–209.  [OPEN ACCESS].
Pitroso, G. (2024). Beyond subcultures: A literature review of gaming communities and sociological analysis. New Media & Society. [OPEN ACCESS].


Wadham Ben, Halsey Mark, Hordacre Ann-Louise, Waddell Elaine, Toole, Kellie, Collins Pauline. (2024) Research into experiences of ex -serving Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel in corrective services systems in Australia, Department of Veterans Affairs, Canberra.

News & Analysis

Jennifer Power (2024) What is sexual ‘aftercare’ and what does it mean for consent education? The Conversation, July 18th.


Ben Green, Sam Whiting, Catherine Strong, Andy Bennett (2024) MusicLIVES Symposium, TASA, July 24th. 
Rock Chugg (2024) Swamp monster of the rock’n’roll de/generation. Overland, July 24th.  


Ash Watson (2024) So Fi Zine #15, July 20th. 
Edgar Burns (2024) Why Did I Write This Poem? So Fi Zine #15, pp. 23-27, July 20th. 
TASA Publications

Health Sociology Review

New: Global Healthcare Systems and Violence Against Women and Girls
Special Issue
Health Sociology Review, Volume 33, Issue 2 (2024)
Editorial: Fitts, M., & Soldatic, K. (2024). Global healthcare systems and violence against women and girls. Health Sociology Review, 33(2), 119–124.
To access all articles of the special issueread on...

Journal of Sociology

The Journal of Sociology Volume 60 Issue 2, June 2024 is now available here.
Gary Bouma memorial workshop program
At the start of 2021, TASA introduced a new initiative, 'The Australian Sociological Association’s Workshop Program', which was subsequently renamed the Gary Bouma Memorial Workshop Program. 
There is up to AU$5,000 available (per workshop) for up to 2 workshops, to be held in Australia. 
About the Workshop Program
  • Presenting TASA outwardly – engaging with the community
  • Potential for feeding into policy
  • Connecting with the research community
  • Bringing experts in from the community
Successful workshops will advance research within sociology and showcase TASA as the face of sociological/interdisciplinary research in the region; engaging with issues of national concern; advancement of knowledge; support innovative ideas, and, the potential of feeding into policy and practice development.
Expression of interest deadline: August 26th. 
For the full details, and the apply, read on...
Thematic Group Events
New: "How to Convene a TASA Thematic Group: A rough guide" A special online meeting
With presentations from two current Thematic Group (TG) convenors, this meeting will include plenty of time for questions and discussion, as well as practical suggestions, ideas, and lessons from past experiences.
Peta Cook:
A sociologist at the University of Tasmania, Peta is currently the co-convener of the Ageing and Sociology thematic group and has previously been convener of the Teaching Sociology thematic group. Notably, Peta has also been on TASA’s national executive as Vice President, Treasurer, and Thematic Group Portfolio Leader. She received TASA’s Sociology in Action Award in 2020

Catriona Stevens: Vice Chancellor’s Research Fellow in the Social Ageing (SAGE) Futures Lab at Edith Cowan University, Catriona's interests include class and migration, transnational ageing and caregiving, and the abuse of older people (elder abuse). She co-convenes the TASA Migration Ethnicity and Multiculturalism Thematic Group and is a board member for ISA Research Committee 31 Sociology of Migration.

All welcome, including TG conveners from beginners to “veterans”. (If you know folks who are not yet convenors but interested, feel free to forward them the meeting link below.)
Date: Thursday 1st August
Time: 12pm - 1pm AEST (Canberra/Melbourne/Sydney time)
Format: online via Zoom:
Hosted by Tom Barnes, TASA's Thematic Group Portfolio Leader

Generations and Housing Symposium
A hybrid event, jointly hosted by the Ageing SociologySociology of Youth, & the Social Stratification thematic groups.
Monday 25th November, 8:45am - 17:30pm (AWST)
Edith Cowan University, Mount Lawley Campus, Perth
Note, this event is on the day before TASA 2024 starts
For the full details, and to register, read on...

New: Research Fellow
Curtin University
The position is based at the Influencer Ethnography Research Lab (IERLab) housed within the School of Media, Creative Arts and Social Inquiry (MCASI).
Application deadline: August 9th. Read on...
NEW: Senior Research Coordinator
Centre for Just Places
Applications close TOMORROW July 26thRead on...

Jobs Board

The Jobs Board enables you to view current employment opportunities. As a member, you can post opportunities to the Jobs Board directly from within your membership profile screen.
Current Employment Opportunities
PhD Scholarships
PhD Scholarship (open call)
Melbourne Social Equity Institute
University of Melbourne
Application deadline: September 2nd. Read on...
PhD Scholarship - Reproductive Justice
Melbourne Social Equity Institute
University of Melbourne
Application deadline: August 12. Read on...
Clare Burton Memorial Scholarship
Queensland University of Technology
Established to honour Dr Clare Burton, this scholarship is open to students of all Australian universities undertaking master and doctoral research degrees.
Applications close: September 9. Read on...

Scholarships Board

The Scholarships Board enables you to view available scholarships that our members have posted. Like the Jobs Board, as a member, you can post scholarship opportunities directly from within your membership profile screen.
Current Scholarship Opportunities
In case you are not aware, you can add job and scholarship opportunities to our publicly searchable Jobs & Scholarships Board via your TASA membership profile, see image below: 
Jobs and Scholarships Board
Other Events, News & Opportunities

Public Lecture

New: The Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research Incorporated (ACSPRI) Fellowship Program

ACSPRI's mission is to help foster high-quality teaching and research in the social sciences and to enhance the impact of social science research. To help achieve this mission, ACSPRI is pleased to continue the ACSPRI Fellowship Program supporting the next generation of high-quality researchers in the social sciences. Valued at $25,000, the fellowship will help PhD students to achieve their career goals, by providing direct financial support and professional development opportunities.

Application deadline: September 30th. Read on...

Sociology Out West Seminar

New: WA-based sociologists sharing research and practice
Join fellow sociologists for a stimulating session with two excellent WA based academics: Dr Anthony K J Smith and Dr Catriona Stevens
Edith Cowan University, Mount Lawley campus
Tuesday July 30th, 5:30pm - 7:15pm (AWST)
Feel free to join in for a cup of tea before the seminar or for dinner afterwards.
The seminar will be held at the ECU Mount Lawley campus - details of the room and parking will be sent closer to the event.

Call for Co-Editor in Chief

New: Sociology Compass
The role is focused on the Original Research section of the journal and will commence in 2025.

The position comes with a generous stipend, and the journal has done well in terms of Impact Factor and ranking over the past couple of years (they are ranked 13th by Google Scholar).
You can find more details about the role and apply here.

Public Lecture

The Social Life of Death
The Australian Centre for Health Law Research and the Australian Death Studies Society
July 31st, 3:30pm - 5:00pm AEST
Queensland University of Technology, Garden Point Campus
For details, and to register, read on...

Special Issues - Call for Abstracts

Translation and transformation of class through migration: Rethinking social and spatial mobility across contexts
Current Sociology Monographs
This Monograph brings migration studies into dialogue with the sociology of class to interrogate how these two fields intersect. Recognising the challenges that contemporary migration presents to extant approaches to conceptualising class, contributing papers will present cases from diverse global contexts as a source of theory building. We take inspiration from the need to translate between concepts, systems, languages and cultures in migration studies, and argue that considering class from migration contexts provides opportunities to develop a new grammar of class theory. Through migration, class boundaries are formed, changed or dissolved, and new classed practices and positions emerge. The social and spatial mobility inherent to migration processes invites us to move away from epistemically centred approaches to class and reframe our thinking through comparison and conceptual translation.

Papers are invited that respond to these theoretical challenges.
Deadline for 300 word abstract: 1 September 2024. Read on...


TikTok Cultures in Korea
TikTok Cultures Research Network
Online, September 9th
Submission deadline: August 5th. Read on...
Innovative methods for exploring financial abuse
Hawthorn, 10am-4pm, Monday 9 September (as part of Social Sciences Week)
Morning tea and lunch provided, including full barista service
A limited number of travel bursaries are available to support interstate HDR/ECR attendance
Expression of interest deadline: 1 August. Read on...
Emotions of the Future
Friday 22 November
Macquarie University, Sydney
For details, read on...

Petition - Call for Signatures

Petition - HDR students
Higher Degree Research (HDR) Stipend E-Petition
Petition to the Australian Federal Government to improve HDR conditions
The Universities Accord laid out 47 recommendations, several of which relate to Higher Degree by Research (HDR) student working conditions. These recommendations are yet to be addressed. The raising of the Research Training Program (RTP) stipend is of the utmost importance. The current minimum stipend awarded is $32,192, an amount that is $11,771 below the national minimum wage.
For details, and to sign the petition, Read on...

Award Opportunities

The Paul Bourke Awards for Early Career Research
Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia
Four Paul Bourke Award recipients are selected each year by members of the Academy’s Panel Committees. The awards are presented to social science researchers within five years of receiving their doctorate (with allowances for career interruptions).
Nomination deadline: July 31. Read on...

Workshop Funding

Workshop Program Grants
Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia
The Workshops Program offers Australian social scientists financial assistance to host multidisciplinary workshops which aim to advance research and policy agendas on nationally important issues. The Academy supports up to eight workshops each year with funding to a maximum of $9,000 (excl GST).
Application deadline: August 9. Read on...

Social Sciences Week

Social Sciences Week 2024
Hosted by the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia
9-15 September 2024
Social Sciences Week is an annual event that celebrates and promotes the social sciences to a diverse audience of students, researchers, policymakers, and the public. During the week, a wide range of activities take place, including keynote lectures, panel discussions, workshops, exhibitions, and interactive events. These activities are hosted by leading universities, research institutes, and non-profit organisations across the country.

If you would like to get involved by running your own Social Sciences Week events, you have until the end of July to register them on our website. Once events are registered, we will publish them on the Social Sciences Week events calendar and begin promoting on social media. You can find more information about running your own event here, or email Anna Dennis, at the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, with any questions.
The more members TASA has, the stronger our association can be.
To help spread the word about TASA, you can quickly and easily gift a TASA membership to someone from within your TASA membership profile.
For steps on how to gift a TASA membership, watch this 2-minute video
Documents and Policies
You can access details of TASA's current Executive Committee 2023 - 2024, and their respective portfoliosas well as documents and policies, including the ConstitutionValues StatementStatement on Academic FreedomCode of ConductGrievance Procedures Safe & Inclusive EventsSustainable Events and TASA History
TASA members have free access to over 90 peer-reviewed  Sage Sociology full-text collection online journals encompassing over 63,000 articles. The image on the left shows you where to access those journals, as well as the Sage Research Methods Collection & the Taylor and Francis Full Text Collection, when logged in to TASAweb. If needed, here is a short instructive video on how to access the online resources. 

How to join TGs
TASA currently has 27 thematic groups in operation and members can join up to 4 groups. This can be done quickly, and easily via your membership profile. 
Watch the very short video (1:30) to learn how to join a thematic group/s.
TASA's Membership Directory allows you to search for members by country and state. It also has search functions for members of a particular thematic group, and members who are available for supervision and/or mentoring.
To learn how to search the Membership Directory, watch this very short video (1 min). 
additional membership data 2
Via your membership profile, you can update many options including adding a secondary email address, and indicating if you are available for mentoring, supervising, consulting, and/or talking to the media, for example. If you are in a Tier 2, Tier 3 & Tier 4 membership category, you can also opt in or out of receiving a hard copy of the Journal of Sociology.
All of these changes can be done quickly and easily. To learn how, watch this video (1 min).

Personal pronoun preferences can be added to your profile. There are 9 combination options to choose from. Please let Sally in TASA Admin know if your preference/s is not on the list and we will have them added.
For assistance with updating your Member Profile on TASA web, please watch the video tutorial: Updating your Member Profile.
newsletter submissions
We encourage you to support your colleagues by sharing details of your latest publications with them via this newsletter. No publication is too big or too small.
Any mention of sociology is of value to our association, and to the discipline, so please do email through details of your latest publication/s (fully referenced & with a link, where possible), events, job adverts etc. for the next newsletter, to TASA Admin. Usually, the newsletter is disseminated every Thursday morning.
As part of the agreement with Taylor & Francis, TASA members are entitled to a 30% books discount. This discount is valid on any full priced CRC Press or Routledge book.
To access the book discount, click on the following link and then log in to TASAweb: book discount link.
TASA Admin (Sally):
TASA Events (Penny):