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Sociology of Religion Thematic Group
Aims and Objectives
A revitalisation of religions has occurred throughout the world at the beginning of the 21st Century. Religions have also played an increasingly prominent role in both creating and alleviating social problems. In response to these changes, sociology of religion in Australia has also been revitalised, particularly as scholars have examined the role of religion in promoting or countering risks such as terrorism and climate change. The role and diversity of religion and spirituality in Australia is moving in a number of different, and sometimes contradictory directions. The rise of fundamentalist and evangelical forms of religions contrasts with the increasingly secular multifaith character of Australian society. The increasing importance of religions linked with ethnic identities as a product of Asian and African migrations contrasts with the decline of traditional forms of Christianity. The dramatic rise of atheism and of those professing ‘no-religion’ in Australia contrasts with the growth of spiritualities and Pagan religions that celebrate experience and experimentation. The TASA sociology of religion thematic group seeks to create a community of Australian scholars to: analyse the role of religion in both Australian and global life; share our research findings; encourage the development of emerging scholars; strengthen the discipline of sociology of religion in Australia and to contribute to public policy where necessary.
Year Established: July 2011
Note, the RC22 International Sociology Association Sociology of Religion website can be accessed here.
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