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Teaching Sociology Award

Click here to nominate for this Award

This award celebrates outstanding contributions to enhancing the pedagogy, practice or outcomes of teaching and learning sociology in Australia. It recognises contributions at the disciplinary level (rather than acknowledging excellence in teaching within the classroom or institutions). Examples of disciplinary-level contributions include innovations in teaching that increase the impact of sociology teaching beyond university contexts, improve student access, experience and outcomes, or inform disciplinary approaches to learning and teaching. Evidence of these achievements may be demonstrated through feedback from students or peers, and/or through publications (peer-reviewed, policy or general), presentations, media, or other relevant indicators. 

In this context, outstanding contributions to the teaching of sociology may be made within or beyond teaching activities in universities. The Executive are seeking nominations that demonstrate nominees have had a significant impact on teaching within the discipline of sociology.

Nominations for the award will be judged against the criteria listed under the 'Process' heading below, which has been adopted from the National Teaching Awards assessment criteria. 

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No more than one Award will be made each year, unless there are unusual and compelling reasons to make two Awards. The award may be granted to a single nominee or to a team. All nominees must be TASA members.

It is not necessary to make an Award every year, and it is to be expected that there may be years when an Award is not made.

The Award will comprise an engraved trophy and certificate as well as a complimentary conference registration and dinner.  Recipients will be invited to write an opinion piece about some aspect of their work for publication in NexusJournal of Sociology or any other publication TASA may sponsor at the time of the Award. A list of Award winners will be maintained on the TASA web site.

The Executive will call for nominations each year, with nominations closing July 17th. The Award will be presented at TASA's Conference in the same year. This time schedule may be altered in any year at the discretion of the Executive. Recipients shall be offered the same assistance as other TASA prize winners to enable them to attend the prize presentation.

The Executive are seeking nominations that demonstrate nominees have had a significant impact on teaching within the discipline of sociology. Nominations must show how the nominee has:

A. Positively impacted on student learning, student engagement or the overall student experience for a period of no less than three years (two years for early career), not including time taken for development or trial of any activity (25%);

B. Gained recognition from colleagues, the institution, and/or the broader community (25%);

C. Shown creativity, imagination and/or innovation, irrespective of whether the approach involves traditional learning environments or technology based development (25%); and

D. Drawn on the scholarly literature on teaching and learning to inform the development of initiatives, programs and/or practice (25%). 

Written nominations must respond to the above criteria in no more than 1000 words and must be accompanied by a two-page (maximum) curriculum vitae of the nominee. The CV should focus on work and outputs related to the nomination. Applicants may submit other materials (i.e. multimedia) with their nomination. Nominations must be signed and supported by two TASA members. Note, self-nominations are welcome, but they still must be signed and supported by two other TASA members. 

Nominations will be considered by the Executive as a whole. At its discretion the Executive may assign this task to a sub-committee chaired by the President or Vice-President, with the decision to be ratified by the whole Executive.

The Teaching Excellence Award process will be covered by TASA's grievance procedures. Apart from this, the Executive’s decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.

Click here to nominate for this Award

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The Teaching Sociology Award was introduced in 2015 and Andrew Metcalf, pictured below, was the inaugural recipient. The Award was not presented between 2016 and 2021. As such, the Executive decided to review the Award. Other matters took precedence until the Award was re-opened for nominations in 2024. 

2015: Andrew Metcalf with Inaugural teaching award

Andrew Metcalf with Inaugral teaching award 2015.

Andrew Metcalfe – the 2015 inaugural recipient.

Awards, Prizes & Funding

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