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Hosting a TASA Conference

The following guidelines have been developed by the TASA Executive Committee to assist potential hosts in preparing their application to host an annual TASA conference.

1. Institutional support: The Executive Committee needs to be reassured that there is sufficient institutional support for the successful conduct and management of the annual TASA conference. The application should have the support of the Head of Department, School or Program. TASA also requests that if you are hosting the conference within your University or organisation that written approval is provided by the relevant approval authority. This approval relates to room and facility usage.

2. Proposed LOC: The Chair and members of the Local Organising Committee
(LOC) should all be financial members of TASA.

3. Conditions: The hosts agree to abide by the conditions for running TASA conferences as set out in the Conference Memorandum of Understanding, which can be obtained from the TASA Office.

4. Proforma: for application to host a TASA conference

• Name of Chair of the LOC (Conference Convener) and (preliminary) LOC members (minimum of 3 people in addition to the Chair)
• One page cvs of LOC members
• Previous conference experience (if any)
• Letter of institutional support from HOD/School/Program/Faculty/Institution or Organisation.
• Statement of agreement with conditions outlined in the Conference Memorandum of Understanding
• An outline of the benefits of hosting the conference at the suggested venue. Please include information if fees will be charged for venue use.
• Suggested innovations to the conference program.

Please note that TASA will not co brand if the host is charging for the venue without contributing to the event.

Applications addressing the guidelines listed above should be forwarded to:
Sally - TASA Executive Officer

Professional Conference Organisers

Conference Solutions, a Professional Conference Organiser (PCO), was appointed to organise the 2009, 2010 & 2011 TASA Conferences. At the begining of 2012, the contract was renewed for the 2012,2013 & 2014 TASA conferences. In 2014, the Executive put out a tender and Conference Solutions was again selected as the PCO for our 2015, 2016 & 2017 conference. The tender put out by the TASA Executive in 2017 resulted in a new PCO. TASA contracted ICMSA to run the 2018, 2019, 2020 & 2021 conferences. The ISA World Congress will be held in Melbourne in 2022.

Memorandum of Understanding

A conference Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is signed between TASA and the host. Please email Sally at TASA Admin to request a copy of a past MOU.

Refereering Guidelines

The referee process is undertaken online to minimise the administrative burden in producing conference proceedings. TASA now only accepts written conference papers from Honours, Graduate and Postgraduate students. These papers will be reviewed and if accepted included in the conference proceedings (Conference papers for refereeing will be accepted from non-students if a delegate cannot access institutional support or funding to attend otherwise.)

TASA Conference Web Pages

An LOC member can be appointed to take care of the conference web pages. TASA Admin will provide the LOC member with special access to all conference pages so that they can be maintained throughout the year and updated in a timely manner. The Executive Officer is available for support. 

Conference Documents

Refereeing guidelines- example

Manuscript Review Form for Refereed Conference Proceedings - example

Abstract Template

Session Chair Responsibilities - example

Poster Guidelines for Presenters - example

Conference Quick Links