Please note that panel abstract submissions are open to invitees/panellists only and are separate to (general) abstract submissions.
The Australian Sociological Association Conference 2022 (TASA) Organising Committee invites the submission of abstracts for the following conference panels:
Religious Diversity in Australia
The Australian digital welfare state: intersectional perspectives and contestations
Intergenerational Connections and Challenges in the Asset Economy
Globalization, Low-intensity Conflict, and Religious Militancy: The Taliban as a Phenomenon and a Movement
Sociology for real-life institutional change: challenges and transformation
2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup: A Triumphant Moment or Business as Usual
Loneliness and Social Isolation in a post-COVID world
Young people and the transformation of selves and society in (post-)pandemic times: insights from Life Patterns
Sociology at the Crossroads: Challenges for Sociology in the 21stCentury.
“Living with COVID”: Marginalised Perspectives
Queer Youth Studies
Healthy Societies after the pandemic: How do we ‘Build back better’?
Call for abstracts open
28 March 2022
Call for abstracts close
25 May 2022
Author notification
15 July 2022
Final refereed papers due
22 July 2022
Final acceptance
5 August 2022
- Abstracts must be submitted using eOrganiser, the online submission portal (see instructions below).
- Abstracts must be submitted in English. Your abstracts must be print ready.
- Maximum number of words in the main body of the abstract is 200 words.
- Do not include the title of your abstract or author names and affiliations in the abstract body. These will be automatically populated on the final abstract document based on the details you enter into the relevant sections of the abstract submission site.
- Abstracts should not include images or graphs.
- Use standard abbreviations only. Within the body of the abstract, when using abbreviations, spell out the name in full at first mention and follow with the abbreviation in parenthesis. Abbreviations may be used in the title, provided the name in full is outlined in the body of the abstract.
- Each co-author should be added separately to the submission to ensure proper listing. Enter title, first (given) name, last (family/surname) name, email address, institution/affiliation, and country for each author. One person must be identified as the presenting author. The order of the authors may be modified at any time prior to the submission deadline of 25 May 2022.
Abstract submission is a two-step process. Please follow the instructions carefully to ensure your submission is uploaded into the portal correctly.
STEP 1: Create an author account
Firstly, you must create an account to upload an abstract. To begin, please follow the below steps:
- Click here to access the submission portal.
- You will be directed to the submission site to create an author account. Once an account is created, please verify the account by clicking on the link provided via the account verification email sent to your nominated email address. Please check your ‘junk folder’ if not received.
- Log in to your account after it has been verified using your email address as username, and your nominated password. Please complete your user profile by selecting ‘Edit My Profile’ prior to submitting your abstract. Do note that your photo and biography will be displayed in the program if selected for presentation, thus please include relevant details you wish to be included.
STEP 2: Submitting your abstract
Once you have logged into the submission portal, click ‘Submissions’ in the top menu, then click the ‘Submit Abstract/Refereed Paper’ button to access the submission page. You will be required to provide the following details:
- For ‘Requested Presentation Type’, select ‘Oral – Panel Member’.
- Enter your paper title in the ‘Abstract/Paper Title’ text field.
- Enter your abstract body in the Abstract Template, then upload the template using either Drag and Drop or the ‘Add files’ button. Add any additional emails to the email correspondence box (any email addresses entered here will be included in the correspondence emails that are sent to you).
- Enter the name and organisation of all Co-Presenters and Co-Authors.
- Ensure you indicate the presenting author(s) for the abstract and include a brief biography. The biography should be no more than 150 words. Biographies are not needed for co-authors.
- For ‘Thematic Group’, select ‘N/A Panel Submission in the drop-down list.
- Select a theme from the ‘Panel Theme’ drop-down list (ensure to only select a theme from the list of panel themes in this document).
- Provide permission for your presentation to be used post-Conference in PDF format.
- All submissions must be completed electronically via the online submission portal. Photocopies, posted or emailed abstracts will not be accepted.
- All presenting authors will be required to register and pay for the Conference by the author registration deadline of 30 August 2022 to ensure that their abstract(s) are included in the final program.
- It is the responsibility of the presenting author to ensure that submissions are correct.
- Authors may have up to 2 submissions in total (counting all abstract, panel abstract, and refereed paper submissions) as follows:
- 1 panel abstract and 1 abstract/refereed paper
- 2 panel abstracts
- 1 abstract and 1 refereed paper
- The Conference Managers will not be held responsible for abstract submissions not received via the submission portal or for submission errors caused by internet service outages or other unforeseen events.
Notification of acceptance will be sent via email to the submitting author by 15 July 2022. Acceptance or otherwise is at the discretion of the Organising Committee whose decision is final. All presenting authors must register and pay to attend the Conference.