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Postgraduate Impact & Engagement Award

Nominations for the 2025 round are OPEN.

This annual award recognises the impact and engagement of a Postgraduate TASA member’s scholarship
that is of high social value to Australian society and/or sociology. We invite TASA Postgraduate members to submit
an application (or nominate others) for outstanding impact or engagement with sociological scholarship.
Nominations are also welcome from supervisors or peers.


This award is not limited to publications but also to outstanding contributions in teaching, community work and non-traditional academic outputs.


The award seeks to value and encourage an understanding of scholarship and impact that extends beyond publication and citation metrics.
This award draws on the Boyer model of scholarship recognising the value of Discovery, Integration, Application and Teaching.


Note: The Nomination form link below will take you to TASA's login page. After logging in, the nomination form will appear.

Please email Sally at TASA Admin if you need assistance logging in. Nominations close May 15th, 2025. 


Nomination Form

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(Left) Early Career Researcher - Best Paper Award winner for 2019, Emma Lee
pictured with Dan Woodman (TASA President) and Alphia Possamai-Inesedy (TASA Vice-President).


(Right) Early Career Researcher - Best Paper Award winner for 2018, Karla Elliot

pictured with and Alphia Possamai-Inesedy (TASA Vice-President).


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2024: Hannah Petocz

2023: Not awarded

2022: Hyein Ellen Cho

2021: Erik Denison

2020: The panel were not able to decide between two outstanding nominations so two winners were awarded this prize in 2020. They were:

Osmond Chiu and Brittany Ralph


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Applicants/nominees can self-nominate or be nominated by a peer or supervisor. 

Applicants will write up to 500-word letter briefly describing their scholarly contribution and addressing the following questions:

  • Who has been impacted or engaged? (yourself, students, community members, industry, government, civil society, academia);
  • How have they been impacted? (behaviour, policy, learning, organisational structures or systems, workplace and industry practice, theory)?; and
  • How far does the impact or engagement extend (local, national, regional, or international)?
Provide evidence:
Your application is more likely to be successful if you can provide evidence for your claims. Don’t just say the applicant did something, provide examples.

The easiest way to show the assessors what you have done is to provide links or upload documents where your evidence is demonstrated:
  • In the letter you can provide hyperlinks, e.g., to website that host videos of the applicant’s teaching or podcasts, links to relevant news articles, a relevant journal article, or to a public report the applicant authored.
  • You can also upload PDFs as part of the application that contain examples of the work, e.g., reports, journal articles, creative work, or something else. Supporting letters from research partners or collaborators can also provide rich contextualisation for the impact or engagement of the scholarship. Refer to these documents in the letter to contextualise.
  • Connect evidence to appropriate forms of scholarship in the Boyer model (see below)

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Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility Criteria
  • Applicant is currently enrolled in a Honours, Masters or PhD program (proof of enrolment required);
  • The applicant can apply if they have graduated from a postgraduate program in the calendar year of the award, however, activities for assessment must have been undertaken during their candidature;
  • Applicant is a financial TASA member as at the closing date for Award applications;
  • Nomination Form has been submitted for the applicant;
  • Applicant has not previously been a recipient of the award; and
  • Applicant agrees to submit a brief report on their scholarship to be published in Nexus/TASA blog/Postgraduate blog, if awarded the prize.

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Assessment Criteria
Assessment Criteria

Applicants will be assessed against three qualities, according to the following criteria on a scale of 0 (not present), 1 (poor), 2 (average), 3 (good), 4 (very good):

  • Evidence of impact/engagement;
  • Evidence of relevance to Australian society and/or sociology; and
  • Evidence of change in target audience.

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The Prize
The Prize

The recipient of the Prize will receive:

  • A complimentary conference registration to attend the TASA conference at which the Prize is presented (includes conference dinner);
  • A certificate & trophy to acknowledge formally the receipt of the Prize;
  • An invitation to submit an article for Nexus/TASA Blog on the paper;
  • Publicity across the TASA membership and wider social science community; and
  • A listing on this PGIE Award TASAweb page.

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The Boyer model of Scholarship
The Boyer model of Scholarship

Boyer, E. L. (1990). Scholarship reconsidered: Priorities of the professoriate. Princeton University Press, 3175 Princeton Pike, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648

The Scholarship of Discovery
“…the commitment to knowledge for its own sake, to freedom of inquiry and to following, in a disciplined fashion, an investigation wherever it may lead… contributes not only to the stock of human knowledge but also to the intellectual climate of a college or university.” (p. 17)

Scholarship of Integration
“…scholars who give meaning to isolated facts, putting them in perspective. By integration, we mean making connection across disciplines, placing the specialties in larger context, illuminating data in a revealing way, often educating non-specialists, too.” (p. 18)

Scholarship of Application
“moves toward engagement as the scholar asks, ‘how can knowledge be responsibly applied to consequential problems? How can it be helpful to individuals as well as institutions?” And further, “Can social problems themselves define an agenda for scholarly investigation?” (p. 21)

Scholarship of Teaching
“The work of the professor becomes consequential only as it is understood by others… teaching both educates and entices future scholars. Indeed, as Aristotle said, ‘Teaching is the highest form of understanding.’” (p. 23)

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Judging Panel
Judging Panel
  • Postgrad portfolio leader
  • +2 members of the Postgrad Subcommittee
  • +2 members of TASA's Executive/Portfolio Leaders

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Application Procedure
Application Procedure
  • Nominations must be made on the official nomination form form by May 15th.
  • Applications will be reviewed by the Judging Panel.
  • In years when a TASA conference is being held, applicants will be notified of the outcome in enough time for those nominees who were not successful to still register for the conference in time to be included in the program and access the ‘Early Bird’ registration rate.
  • The decision of the review panel is final and no further discussions will be entered into.
  • The winner will have the payment of their conference registration made by the TASA Office for the next conference (usually in the same year of being awarded this prize).