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TASA 2025: Submissions

We are delighted to announce the call for abstracts for TASA 2025.

While the conference will still take place in the last week of November, this year we have significantly brought forward key dates as part of a trial aimed at streamlining processes and enhancing the overall conference experience—from submission to attendance. We appreciate your support with this change and kindly encourage you to submit by the deadline. Your cooperation will help us create a smoother, more efficient, and rewarding conference for everyone.

This year's conference will explore the theme: Sociology in Action: Wellbeing, Policy & Activism in Times of Crises & Changeand will involve a mix of general (thematic group) papers and panel-based sessions. Some additional, alternative formats are also available. 

Abstract Submission Guidelines

There is a limit of 2 submissions per delegate (either 2 general or 1 general and 1 panel). 

To allow for a smoother and more efficient event organisation process, as mentioned above, we have brought all submission deadlines forward significantly compared to previous years. See Key Dates

Abstracts are required for all presentations to be considered for TASA 2025. The abstract word limit is 200 words.

The deadline for General Abstracts (aligned with Thematic Groups) is the 22nd April 2025. 

The deadline for Panel Proposal Submissions is a little earlier for planning reasons - 17th March 2025.



Please note that this year, we will not be offering deadline extensions. We encourage you to submit on time to ensure your abstract is considered.

TASA 2025 - General Abstract Submission Process

Abstracts should be no more than 200 words, be aligned with a TASA Thematic Group, and must be submitted using the Oxford Abstracts Portal. We ask that submissions connect in some way with the conference theme.


Accepted abstracts will be allocated 15 minutes presentation time and 5 minutes for questions.


All abstracts will undergo a review process with notification of results sent via email by Wednesday 26th May 2025


Alternative Presentation Formats

Delegates to TASA 2025 have the additional option to submit an abstract for one of the following alternative formats:
1. Panel Presentation
2. Poster Presentation - In person

3. Creative Photography Exhibition

4. Book Launch

Please Note: panel sessions will be allocated to the conference program by TASA's conference convener & events manager. All presentations will be scheduled to suit conference planning and will be held from Monday 24th November - Thursday 27th November 2025.

TASA 2025 - Panel Submission Process

This year's TASA Conference will, once again, involve a number of panel discussions as part of the main program. Panel sessions will run for 1.5 hours and be scheduled concurrent with general paper sessions.

Panel submissions should speak to our conference theme, ‘Sociology in Action: Wellbeing, Policy & Activism in Times of Crises & Change’ and should involve at least three presenters and, ideally, no more than four abstracts. Panel proposals will be accepted from current TASA members only and should aim to transcend the focus of an individual TASA thematic group.

Prior to submission, panel organisers are expected to source and confirm all abstracts and presenter information for their proposed panel session. Panel organisers will also be expected to review panel abstracts and nominate a Chair for their session (who must commit to being physically present at the conference). It is strongly advised not to include more than one online presentations in your panel proposal.

The panel title and description, along with the session titles and abstracts for each nominated presenter, should be submitted by Monday 17th March 2025 by clicking on the button above. Decisions about Panel Proposals will be emailed to submitters by Monday 31st March 2025.

Please Note: panel sessions will be allocated to the conference program by TASAs conference convener & events manager. Panel sessions will be scheduled to suit conference planning and will be held from Monday 24th November – Thursday 27th November 2025.

For panel sessions not accepted for inclusion in the program, individual presenters nominated within the panel proposal may still be considered for a thematic group presentation.


For further information relating to TASA 2025 please contact Penny Toth, TASA Events Manager via


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