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Jerzy Zubrzycki Bursary

Applications for TASA 2025 will close on April 22nd.

About the bursary

The bursary is to honour the work of Professor Jerzy Zubrzycki in recognition of his outstanding contribution to Australian sociology and to public policy in the areas of migration and cultural pluralism. The bursary was established at the suggestion of, and with generous support from, the School of Sociology, Australian National University.


Jerzy Zubrzycki

Jerzy (George) Zubrzycki was born in Krakow, Poland on 12 January 1920. After distinguished war service in Poland and the United Kingdom he undertook studies at the London School of Economics and completed his PhD at the Free Polish University in London. In 1955 Prof. Zubrzycki accepted a post in the Research School of Social Sciences at the Australian National University (ANU). He continued to work at the ANU until his retirement in 1986, founding the Department of Sociology in 1970. Jerzy Zubrzycki wrote extensively on immigration and contributed to many government reports and inquiries on immigration and multiculturalism. He was President of SAANZ (the predecessor of TASA) in 1971–72 and he was the first editor of the Association’s journal, the Journal of Sociology. Professor Zubrzycki died in May 2009.

Jerzy Zubrzycki at his home.

Portrait of Professor Jerzy Zubrzycki at his home in Yarralumla, Canberra, 14 August, 2007

Courtesy of The National Library of Australia.

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The recipient of the bursary will receive:

. Registration for the annual conference;
. Registration for the pre-conference TASA Annual Postgraduate Workshop;
. Travel funding depending on location of recipient & the location of the conference in the year the bursary is awarded;
. A certificate.

For eligibility, the application procedure and form, please see the Postgraduate Conference Bursaries webpage.

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2018 Recipient
2018 Recipient

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Previous Recipients
Previous Recipients

2024 Recipient

Eyram Sedzro

2017 Recipients

Marina Khan, Western Sydney University, ‘Contested Ground: Migration Intermediaries and the State’


2016 Recipients

Oznur Sahin, Western Sydney University: ‘Gender and Civic Engagement: The Bagcilar Municipality Women’s Council in Istanbul’

2015: Recipient

There were no conference scholarship applications that fitted the Jerzy Zubrzycki criteria.

2014 Recipient

Fiona Proudfoot


2013 Recipient

Cathrin Bernhardt, La Trobe University


2012 Recipient

Olga Oleimikova. Saint Andrews College, Sydney University


2011 Recipient

Mohammad Salehin, The University of Sydney

Dan Woodman (R) TASA President (2017 - 2020) with 2018 Jerzy winner Tania Searle.

Awards, Prizes & Funding