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Date: 7/20/2023
Subject: Member event - Launch of Women's Health Hub Mon 24 July
From: TASA Applied Sociology

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Breaking news!

We will send a newsletter update soon filling you in on our amazing pre-ISA event in Melbourne but first just a brief email from one of our members Sienna who would like to share an exciting event happening online this Monday 24 July 2023!


Women's Health Hub Launch
Monday 24 July
1.00pm - 3.00pm AWST
2.30pm - 3.00pm ACST
3.00pm - 4.00pm AEST
Register here

Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care, the Hon Ged Kearney MP is launching the new Women’s Health Hub, and you’re invited! The Women’s Health Hub is a valuable national resource dedicated to improving health outcomes for all women by providing guidance and information for those working in policy, research and practice as well as the broader health ecosystem.
The new Hub will become an up-to-date repository of evidenced-based resources and a central focus for information on women’s health.
Experience a virtual tour of the Hub and tune into a lively discussion with guest speakers on a range of topics relevant to women’s health including:
• the importance of women’s voices, including First Nations perspectives, in the process of banking and sharing knowledge on women’s health
• the different ways of knowing and knowledge sharing about women’s health from a gender equity lens
• the importance of gender equity in prevention and health care.
Sophie & Catherine