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Date: 8/24/2023
Subject: Call for abstracts - TASA event symposium
From: TASA Applied Sociology

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Applied Sociology Thematic Group
Contact Letter

August 2023

Hi everyone

Just a quick reminder that we have abstracts open for you to participate in an event co-hosted by this Thematic Group

De-centring academic expertise: The politics of knowledge production and social transformation’.


Call for Abstracts


The event is co-convened by The Australian Sociological Association’s (TASA) Emotions & Affect, Critical Disability Studies, and Applied Sociology Thematic Groups and is hosted by University of Melbourne’s School of Social and Political Sciences, with generous support from TASA.

The symposium will take place at Melbourne University’s Parkville Campus 5th and 6th December with keynotes by Associate Professor Crystal McKinnon (Uni Melb) and Nadia Matiazzo (CEO Women with Disabilities Victoria).

Abstract submission deadline: 11th September

PS We are working on finalising our video editting and e-book from our June event - stay tuned!
PPS Also - might see some of your in Sydney for Tasa Nov? Put in your diaries Monday 27 to Wednesday 29 November 2023: University of Sydney & online