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Date: 9/5/2022
Subject: TASA 2022 Executive Indigenous Portfolio election outcome
From: TASA

TASA Executive Committee, November 2022 – November 2024

Indigenous Portfolio Election Nominations Results

Dear ~~first_name~~

At the close of nominations yesterday, midday Monday September 5th, for TASA's Executive two-year term November 2022 – November 2024, the following member was elected unopposed:
  • Indigenous Portfolio Leader: Joann Schmider, Rainforest Aboriginal Peoples’ Think Tank, CQUniversity (PhD candidate), Adjunct Research Fellow, The Cairns Institute, James Cook University. Please continue reading below for more information about Joann. 
I identify as a senior person of the Waribarra dialect and locality group, Mamu native title holders, Dyirbal speaking nation of the Rainforest Aboriginal peoples (RAP) of Tropical North Queensland, with multicultural heritage.

I have served on the regional RAP leadership group supporting the 25 identity groups since 2008, now couched as a think tank. The range of Indigenous research-related relationships led to my appointment in 2015 as an adjunct research fellow with The Cairns Institute, James Cook University (ongoing), and my PhD candidacy with CQUniversity (Collecting, cognitioning and capitalising local cultural knowledge for quadruple bottom line benefit through tourism). I hold an Education Degree and 3 Graduate Certificates and 5 CertIVs in governance, community development, Indigenous leadership, and Indigenous research, and am an Australian Institute of Company Directors graduate (GAICD, 2016). I bring 40 years of experience as a board and committee member in community and government-appointed entities, particularly Indigenous roles, and involving local, regional, state, and national levels. My passion is promoting Indigenous human rights and rural and regional integrated development across social equity, cultural vitality, economic prosperity, and environmentally sustainable development.

Appreciating this inaugural role, I would look to communicate with and work with the Indigenous members, members of the Critical Indigenous Studies Thematic Group and other interested parties, to focus principally on three aspects:
Adding Indigenous input and contributing to the work of the Executive,
Including Indigenous considerations e.g. in other thematic fields, in TASA events and promotions such as the conference, and
Supporting Indigenous members and Indigenous scholarship.
Joann's LinkedIn page is available here:
In case you missed it, the other elected Executive members, for the November 2022 – November 2024 term, can be viewed on TASAweb here.
Warm regards,

Dan Woodman
TASA, Immediate Past President
2022 Election Returning Officer