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Carer's Travel Bursary

Applications for TASA 2024 will close on Monday August 19th.


The TASA Carer’s Travel Bursary is designed to assist TASA members who have primary caring responsibilities by providing funds to assist with the costs of additional care required while they present their research at the TASA annual conference.

The bursary assists carers up to the amount of $700. TASA provides up to 5 bursaries per year for researchers who are the primary carer of one or more child under 5 years of age as well as unpaid caring responsibilities for family members who have a disability or chronic health condition.

The bursary is intended to assist with the financial challenges associated with these caring responsibilities. Applicants should note that expenses can be claimed before or up to one month after the conference. Receipts must be provided and be in alignment with the proposed budget.

There is one round for applications:



  • Be a TASA member
  • Be the primary carer of one or more children under 5 years of age or have unpaid caring responsibilities for a family member/s with a disability or chronic health condition.
  • Have an abstract or paper accepted for TASA 2024
  • The applicant is eligible to apply if they are waiting for the notification of acceptance, however funding will be awarded on the condition of the abstract/paper acceptance.
  • Agrees to contribute to the TASA website on conclusion of the conference, sharing their experiences while attending.

Each application must include:

  • Application form (see below)
  • Curriculum Vitae (max 4 pages)
  • Evidence of abstract submission and acceptance

Application Evaluation:

Applications will be forwarded to TASA Executive and assessed against the following criteria:

  • Applications alignment with purpose of bursary
  • The demonstrated value of the conference to applicant’s career progression or research.
  • The applicant’s track record relative to opportunity
  • All eligibility criteria are met.

TASA has the right to reverse or vary any decision made if it finds that the decision has been made based on incomplete or incorrect information supplied by the applicant.



From left, Evan Willis (recipient of the 2013 Distinguished Service to Australian Sociology Award), Kirsten MacLean (Conference MC), Xiaoying Qi (2013 JMA recipient), Adam Possamai (2013 JMA Chair), Eileen Clark (2013 recipient of the Outstanding Service to TASA Award), Jo Lindsay (2012/2013 TASA President), & Gary Bouma (recipient of the 2013 Distinguished Service to Australian Sociology Award).

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