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Genders & Sexualities Thematic Group




The Rainbow Owl – a website that documents the growing international body of literature and resources that focus on trans and gender diverse young people, their families, and those who support them.

ARCSHS – a centre for social research into sexuality, health and the social dimensions of human relationships. They work in partnership with communities, community-based organisations, government and professionals to produce research that advances knowledge and promotes positive change in policy, practice and people’s lives.

Archives of Human Sexuality and Identity: LGBTQ History and Culture since 1940 – this collection brings together approximately 1.5 million pages of primary sources and is perfect for students, educators, and researchers looking for the largest available, accessible collection materials supporting Women, Gender, LGBTQ, and Sexuality studies.

Safe Schools Coalition Australia – a national network of organisations working with schools to create safer and more inclusive environments for same sex attracted, intersex and gender diverse students, staff and families.

Gender as a Social Structure – a 22 minute SAGE video with Barbara Risman explaining the concept of gender as a social structure. She discusses how to examine gender from individual, interactional, institutional, and intersectional perspectives. Risman also describes particular gender scripts and schemas that men and women live with.

LGBTQ+ and Addiction: Causes, Resources and Treatment – web resource that provides information and support to people fighting substance abuse and addiction.

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Publications by our members
Publications by our members

Recently published by our members:

Gray, EM & Nicholas, L 2019, ”You’re actually the problem’: manifestations of populist masculinist anxieties in Australian higher education’British Journal of Sociology of Education, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 269-286.

Nicholas, L 2019, ‘Whiteness, Heteropaternalism, and the Gendered Politics of Settler Colonial Populist Backlash Culture in Australia’Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, article no. jxz009.

Thomas, A, McCann, H & Fela, G 2019, ‘‘In this house we believe in fairness and kindness’: Post-liberation politics in Australia’s same-sex marriage postal survey’, Sexualities.

Grant, R & Nash, M 2019, ‘Homonormativity or queer disidentification?: rural Australian bisexual women’s identity politics‘, Sexualities.

Elliott, K 2019, ‘Negotiations between progressive and ‘traditional’ expressions of masculinity among young Australian men‘, Journal of Sociology, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 108–123.

Meenagh, J 2018, ‘Doing too much: Using an online discussion board, interviews, and developmental vignettes to explore young people’s negotiation of their love/sex relationships and new media environments‘, SAGE Research Methods Cases.

Shannon, B & Smith, S 2017, ‘Dogma before diversity: the contradictory rhetoric of controversy and diversity in the politicisation of Australian queer-affirming learning materials‘, Sex Education, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 242-255. 

Garden, H & Toffoletti, K 2017, ‘Feminism, celebrity and lifestyle in the Australian digital news site Mamamia‘, Outskirts, vol. 36, pp. 1-20.

Gahan, L 2017, ‘Separated Same-Sex Parents’ Experiences and Views of Services and Service Providers‘, Journal of Family Strengths, vol. 17, no. 2, article 2.

Meenagh, J 2017, ‘Breaking up and hooking up: A young woman’s experience of “sexual empowerment”‘, Feminism & Psychology, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 447-464.

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Group Conveners:

Megan Sharp
University of Melbourne

Gemma Killen
Australian National University

Barrie Shannon
University of Newcastle

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