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Graham Lee 

The University of Queensland  PhD Candidate
Samford, QLD  Australia

Contact Information

Samford, QLD  Australia
The University of Queensland
PhD Candidate

Personal Information

Additional Information

PhD Candidate, Course Coordinator
Higher education institution
The University of Queensland
Full-time PhD student
Embodiment, Affect, and Environment
How children with disability non-verbally communicate communicate their participation experience
Describing how children with impairments non-verbally communicate their participation experience while doing activities in a community-based all abilities football program.

TASA Groups

Sociology of Sport & Leisure


I joined The University of Queensland in July 2017, and am currently Course Co-ordinator and Associate Lecturer (Sport Management and Marketing), Tutor ( Professions, People and Healthcare) and PhD Candidate. My work focuses in particular on sport for people with disability, administration of local sport and the role of sports in the broader community. I teach utilising IT and administration skills from previous careers to foster the interactive learning of profession-based skills using contextualised teaching approaches and techniques. Also, I employ active learning technologies to facilitate engaging activities in individual and interprofessional group environments. Outside of academic life I am an advocate for the role of sports in the lives of people with disability and volunteer with the Brisbane Paralympic Football Program. My outside interests include travel, family, technology and permaculture.