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Career Development Grant

APPLY HERE for TASA's Career Development Grant

The annual TASA Career Development Grant seeks to support the career development activities of TASA members where these activities are not covered by other funding.

TASA's Career Development Grant is targeted at TASA members who have limited or no access to funding for career development activities
Eligible career development opportunities include but are not limited to:
  • research related cost (e.g. transcription, use of interpreters, participant reimbursement, employment of a research assistant),
  • professional editing,
  • conference attendance (where this is not covered by other TASA bursaries),
  • career development activities associated with establishing / furthering a career outside of academia.
 A total of AU$4,500 is available, with a maximum of AU$1,500 available per applicant.

There is one round for applications per year:

Applications will close on June 30th, 2024

Successful applicants were announced in July 2024.

The funding can be used between 1 July 2024 to June 16 2025

All expenses need to be claimed by 16 June 2025.


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  • Be a TASA member.
  • Clear outline of the proposed career development activity to be funded by the grant and how the activity would further the applicant’s career.
  • Unable to access funding for the specified career development activity.
  • Agree to contribute to TASAweb or TASA conference upon completion of the proposed activity to share their experience.

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Application content
Application content
  • Application form (see orange link above)
  • Curriculum Vitae.


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Application Evaluation
Application Evaluation
Applications will be forwarded to TASA Executive and assessed against the following criteria:
  • Applications alignment with the purpose of grant.
  • The demonstrated value of the proposed activity to the applicant’s career development.
  • Lack of access to other funding for the proposed career development activity.
  • All eligibility criteria are met.
TASA has the right to reverse or vary any decision made if it finds that the decision has been made based on incomplete or incorrect information supplied by the applicant.

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Past Recipients
Past Recipients
Emma Lees
Ramón Menéndez Domingo 

Yuvisthi Naidoo


Ashleigh Haw: I was one of the lucky recipients of a TASA Career Development Grant; a wonderful initiative for supporting the career development activities of TASA’s early career researchers. I used this funding to attend the inaugural Australian and New Zealand Communication Association (ANZCA) Winter School on Digital Research Methods, hosted by the University of Canberra’s News and Media Research Centre. Read on...

Alexandra Ridgway: In 2018, I was fortunate enough to be awarded an Ernst Mach Grant (Eurasia-Pacific Uninet) to spend six months at the University of Vienna under the supervision of Associate Professor Elisabeth Scheibelhofer, a renowned migration researcher and methodologist. I was in the third year of my PhD through the University of Hong Kong and had used Associate Professor Scheibelhofer’s Problem Centred Interviewing (PCI) technique to collect data for my thesis. At the University of Vienna, I was able to learn from her firsthand and, under her guidance, my knowledge and skills in qualitative methods blossomed. Read on...

Jinwen Chen:
TASA's Career Development Grant enabled me to attend the 2022 International Evaluation Conference of the Australasian Evaluation Society. Held in person on the lands of the Kaurna people, in Adelaide, where I was based for my PhD, the conference was a wonderful opportunity to meet evaluators and like-minded professionals across Australasia. Read on... 

Jae-Eun Noh:
I am grateful to be awarded the TASA Career Development Grant. The grant enabled me to get professional editing services for my papers. As English is not my first language, I have always wanted to have someone look over my draft and improve the quality of my writing. However, as I have been in precarious jobs, I could not afford to get editing services. Thanks to the grant, my three papers could be professionally edited. The first one was a research report for an NGO. The other two articles could get published in top-ranked journals in my area, development studies. Read on...

From left, Evan Willis, Alan Peterson and Sharyn Roach Anleu holding the Talcot Parson Trophy.