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2022 TASA Career Development Grant - Jae-Eun Noh
By Jae-Eun Noh
Posted: 2023-08-09T14:00:00Z

I am grateful to be awarded the TASA Career Development Grant. The grant enabled me to get professional editing services for my papers. As English is not my first language, I have always wanted to have someone look over my draft and improve the quality of my writing. However, as I have been in precarious jobs, I could not afford to get editing services. Thanks to the grant, my three papers could be professionally edited. The first one was a research report for an NGO. The other two articles could get published in top-ranked journals in my area, development studies. 


Jae-Eun Noh (2022). Development practitioners’ emotions for resilience: Sources of reflective and transformative practices, Third World Quarterly, 43 (10), 2509-2525. (SSCI, H index 100, IF 2.322)


Jae-Eun Noh (2023). The emotional underpinning of norms and identities in framing Korean aid, Development in Practice, 33(3): 361-372. (SCOPUS, H index 45, IF 0.840)


Copyediting improved the clarity of my manuscripts by picking up on grammatical errors and removing some jargons or ambiguous expressions. Making the article clearer and more comprehensible helped me to go through the review process more efficiently. Given the early stage of my career, building an outstanding research record is imperative. TASA's Career Development Grant offered me an excellent opportunity for my career development.